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Cuentos Clásicos del Norte Segunda Serie - Explorando la diversidad narrativa del siglo XIX en Norteamérica

Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edward Everett Hale

100 Clásicos de la Literatura Universal - Vol2

Anónimo, Edgar Allan Poe, Benito Pérez Galdos, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, Charlotte Brontë, L. Frank Baum, Emily Bronte, Washington Irving, سها الفقي, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Wilkie Collins, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, René Descartes, John Bunyan, Dante Alighieri, EMILY DICKINSON, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Émile Zola, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, Autores Varios, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Walter Scott, H. P. Lovecraft, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Francisco De Quevedo, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Edith Wharton, Emilio Salgari, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, José Martí, Platon, Virginia Woolf, Stefan Zweig, Seneca, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lucy Maud Montgomery, H. G. Wells, Nikolai Gogol, Arthur Conan Doyle, Marco Polo, Alejandro] [AUTHOR Dumas, Miguel de Unamuno, Federico García Lorca, James Joyce, John William Polidori, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Publio Virgilio Marón, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Hardy, Jack London, Valle-Inclán Ramón María del, Julio Verne, Franz Kafka, León Tolstói, Gaston Leroux, Fedor Dostoïevski

The Warfare of Divided Allegiances: Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War

The Warfare of Divided Allegiances: Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War

Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Mary Johnston, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

The Life of Columbus From His Own Letters and Journals and Other Documents of His Time

The Life of Columbus From His Own Letters and Journals and Other Documents of His Time

Edward Everett Hale

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters - Eric the Red Christopher Columbus John Cabot Amerigo Vespucci Vasco Núñez de Balboa Jacques Cartier Henry Hudson & Samuel de Champlain

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters - Eric the Red Christopher Columbus John Cabot Amerigo Vespucci Vasco Núñez de Balboa Jacques Cartier Henry Hudson & Samuel de Champlain

Edward Everett Hale, Stephen Leacock, Elizabeth Hodges, Charles W. Colby, Frederick A. Ober, Julius E. Olson, Thomas A. Janvier

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer

Edward Everett Hale, Christopher Columbus

The Wit and Humor of America (Vol 1-10) - Comedy Anthology: Funny Stories Poems Humorous Articles Fables & Fairy Tales

The Wit and Humor of America (Vol 1-10) - Comedy Anthology: Funny Stories Poems Humorous Articles Fables & Fairy Tales

O. Henry, Mark Twain, Washington Irving, Bret Harte, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Everett Hale, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Kendrick Bangs, William Dean Howells, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Henry Ward Beecher, John G. Saxe, James Russell Lowell, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Robert W. Chambers, Edmund Clarence Stedman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Wallace Irwin, Eugene Field, Anne Virginia Culbertson, John Paul, Lloyd Osbourne, James Montgomery Flagg, Bill Nye, Robert J. Burdette, Wilbur D. Nesbit, Gelett Burgess, James Whitcomb Riley, Frank L. Stanton, Bayard Taylor, Artemus Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, Charles Dudley Warner, Carolyn Wells, Owen Wister

The Junior Classics (Vol 1-9) - Children's Literary Odyssey: Fables Fairy Tales and Animal Stories from Around the World Free label@2x

The Junior Classics (Vol 1-9) - Children's Literary Odyssey: Fables Fairy Tales and Animal Stories from Around the World

William Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hans Christian Andersen, Jacob Abbott, Andrew Lang, John Bunyan, Thomas Bulfinch, Rebecca Harding Davis, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Edward Everett Hale, Jacob Grimm, Sophie May, Jean Ingelow, Emerson Hough, Charles Perrault, Flora Annie Steel, Geoffrey Chaucer, Virgil Virgil, Joseph Jacobs, Frances Browne, Elsie Finnimore Buckley, Elizabeth Harrison, George Webbe Dasent, Livy, Albert Lee, Henry W. Longfellow, E. M. Wilmot-Buxton, E. S. Brooks, H. R. Schoolcraft, P. C. Asbjörnsen, Cornelius Mathews, Frederick Orin Bartlett, Louisa M. Alcott, Paul Sébillot, Homer Homer, William Grimm, E. Frere, Ramaswami Raju, Hermann R. Kletke, John T. Naaké, Lillian M. Gask, W. S. Karajich, Adele M. Fielde, Mary Pamela Milne-Horne, Mme. d'Aulnoy, Constance Maud, George W. Cox, Annie Ker

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer - The Epic Voyage of Exploration and Adventure

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer - The Epic Voyage of Exploration and Adventure

Edward Everett Hale, Christopher Columbus

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters - Journeys Across North America: Explorers' Chronicles & Historical Narratives

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters - Journeys Across North America: Explorers' Chronicles & Historical Narratives

Edward Everett Hale, Stephen Leacock, Elizabeth Hodges, Charles W. Colby, Frederick A. Ober, Julius E. Olson, Thomas A. Janvier

Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes - Exploring Literary and Philosophical Masterpieces from Harvard Classics Anthology

Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes - Exploring Literary and Philosophical Masterpieces from Harvard Classics Anthology

Edgar Allan Poe, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, Juan Valera, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Henry David Thoreau, Washington Irving, Niccolò Machiavelli, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Adam Smith, Hans Christian Andersen, Michel de Montaigne, John Stuart Mill, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Guy de Maupassant, David Hume, Thomas De Quincey, Saint Augustine, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Martin Luther, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Bunyan, Christopher Marlowe, Richard Henry Dana, William Makepeace Thackeray, Laurence Sterne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plutarch Plutarch, Oliver Goldsmith, Dante Alighieri, Pliny the Younger, Robert Burns, Benvenuto Cellini, Robert Louis Stevenson, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, Edward Everett Hale, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Berkeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Dryden, Robert Browning, Joseph Addison, Bret Harte, Samuel Johnson, William Hazlitt, Edmund Burke, Alphonse Daudet, Alfred de Musset, Thomas Babington Macaulay, George Sand, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Pierre Corneille, Wilhelm Grimm, Henry Fielding, Richard Steele, William Penn, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, John Locke, Philip Massinger, Sydney Smith, Aeschylus Aeschylus, Charles Lamb, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, James Russell Lowell, Walter Scott, Theodor Storm, Simon Newcomb, Alessandro Manzoni, Ivan Turgenev, Thomas Moore, Theodor Fontane, Leigh Hunt, Abraham Cowley, Izaak Walton, Blaise Pascal, Thomas Hobbes, Virgil Virgil, Plato, Jean Racine, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Gottfried Keller, Ernest Renan, Thomas à Kempis, Friedrich von Schiller, Tacitus Tacitus, Honore Balzac, John Webster, Victor Hugo, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Thomas Brown, Michael Faraday, Giuseppe Mazzini, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, George Gordon Byron, William Harvey, Thomas Dekker, Hippocrates Hippocrates, Charles Darwin, Jonson Ben, Joseph Lister, Francis Drake, Walter Bigges, Walter Raleigh, Charles W. Eliot, William Henry Harrison, Francis Pretty, Edward Haies, Jean Froissart, Miguel de Cervantes, Philip Sidney, John Woolman, Ambroise Paré, Louis Pasteur, Alexander L. Kielland, Leo Tolstoy, Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Roper, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, John Milton, David Garrick, Philip Nichols, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Archibald Geikie, William A. Neilson, Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Voltaire, Epictetus, Molière Molière, Thomas Malory, Aesop, Homer Homer

The Ultimate SF Collection: 150 Classics - Exploring the Boundless Universe of Timeless Adventures

The Ultimate SF Collection: 150 Classics - Exploring the Boundless Universe of Timeless Adventures

Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George MacDonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, William Dean Howells, Ayn Rand, Samuel Butler, Milo Hastings, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, John Jacob Astor, Edward Bellamy, Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, H. Beam Piper, Lester del Rey, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Frederik Pohl, Fritz Leiber, Irving E. Cox, Francis Bacon, Philip Francis Nowlan, Robert Cromie, Philip K. Dick, August Derleth, Richard Stockham, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, E. E. Smith, Stanley G. Weinbaum, E.M. Forster, Fred M. White, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Haggard, Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, Edwin Lester Arnold, George Griffiths, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, Gustavus W. Pope

American Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Tales of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War 1861-1865

American Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Tales of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War 1861-1865

Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Mary Johnston, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

North vs South Collection - 40+ Civil War Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume

North vs South Collection - 40+ Civil War Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume

Mark Twain, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

Thanksgiving Stories - Collection of 40+ Tales

Thanksgiving Stories - Collection of 40+ Tales

George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Andrew Lang, Eleanor H. Porter, Eugene Field, Edward Everett Hale, Susan Coolidge, Hezekiah Butterworth, Sarah Orne Jewett, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Albert F. Blaisdell, Alice Wheildon, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Maud Lindsay, Olive Thorne Miller, P.-J. Stahl, C. A. Stephens, Alfred Gatty, Phila Butler Bowman, Katherine Grace Hulbert, Isabel Gordon Curtis, Eleanor L. Skinner, Sheldon C. Stoddard, Kate Upson Clark, Francis K. Ball, Winthrop Packard, R. K. Munkittrick, E. S. Brooks, Agnes Carr, J. T. Trowbridge, L. B. Pingree, Emily Hewitt Leland, Sophie Swet, Fannie Wilder Brown, Annie Hamilton Donnell, Edna Payson Brett, Pauline Shackleford Colyar, H. R. Schoolcraft, Rose Terry Cooke

The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection - Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War

The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection - Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War

Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Mary Johnston, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

North & South (Civil War Boxed Set) - 40+ Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume

North & South (Civil War Boxed Set) - 40+ Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume

Mark Twain, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

The Land of the Divided: American Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Tales of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War 1861-1865

The Land of the Divided: American Civil War Collection - 40+ Novels & Tales of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War 1861-1865

Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Mary Johnston, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters

The Great Explorers of North America: Complete Biographies Historical Documents Journals & Letters

Edward Everett Hale, Stephen Leacock, Elizabeth Hodges, Charles W. Colby, Frederick A. Ober, Julius E. Olson, Thomas A. Janvier

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer

The Life of Christopher Columbus – Discover The True Story of the Great Voyage & All the Adventures of the Infamous Explorer

Edward Everett Hale, Christopher Columbus

The Ultimate SF Collection: 150 Classics Free label@2x

The Ultimate SF Collection: 150 Classics

Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George MacDonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, William Dean Howells, Ayn Rand, Samuel Butler, Milo Hastings, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, John Jacob Astor, Edward Bellamy, Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, H. Beam Piper, Lester del Rey, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Kurt Vonnegut, Frederik Pohl, Fritz Leiber, Irving E. Cox, Francis Bacon, Philip Francis Nowlan, Robert Cromie, Philip K. Dick, August Derleth, Richard Stockham, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, E. E. Smith, Stanley G. Weinbaum, E.M. Forster, Fred M. White, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Haggard, Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, Edwin Lester Arnold, George Griffiths, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, Gustavus W. Pope

Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes Free label@2x

Harvard Classics: All 71 Volumes

Edgar Allan Poe, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, Juan Valera, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Henry David Thoreau, Washington Irving, Niccolò Machiavelli, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Adam Smith, Hans Christian Andersen, Michel de Montaigne, John Stuart Mill, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Guy de Maupassant, David Hume, Thomas De Quincey, Saint Augustine, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Martin Luther, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Bunyan, Christopher Marlowe, Richard Henry Dana, William Makepeace Thackeray, Laurence Sterne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plutarch Plutarch, Oliver Goldsmith, Dante Alighieri, Pliny the Younger, Robert Burns, Benvenuto Cellini, Robert Louis Stevenson, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, Edward Everett Hale, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Berkeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Dryden, Robert Browning, Joseph Addison, Bret Harte, Samuel Johnson, William Hazlitt, Edmund Burke, Alphonse Daudet, Alfred de Musset, Thomas Babington Macaulay, George Sand, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Pierre Corneille, Wilhelm Grimm, Henry Fielding, Richard Steele, William Penn, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, John Locke, Philip Massinger, Sydney Smith, Aeschylus Aeschylus, Charles Lamb, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, James Russell Lowell, Walter Scott, Theodor Storm, Simon Newcomb, Alessandro Manzoni, Ivan Turgenev, Thomas Moore, Theodor Fontane, Leigh Hunt, Abraham Cowley, Izaak Walton, Blaise Pascal, Thomas Hobbes, Virgil Virgil, Plato, Jean Racine, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Gottfried Keller, Ernest Renan, Thomas à Kempis, Friedrich von Schiller, Tacitus Tacitus, Honore Balzac, John Webster, Victor Hugo, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Thomas Brown, Michael Faraday, Giuseppe Mazzini, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, George Gordon Byron, William Harvey, Thomas Dekker, Hippocrates Hippocrates, Charles Darwin, Jonson Ben, Joseph Lister, Francis Drake, Walter Bigges, Walter Raleigh, Charles W. Eliot, William Henry Harrison, Francis Pretty, Edward Haies, Jean Froissart, Miguel de Cervantes, Philip Sidney, John Woolman, Ambroise Paré, Louis Pasteur, Alexander L. Kielland, Leo Tolstoy, Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Roper, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, John Milton, David Garrick, Philip Nichols, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Archibald Geikie, William A. Neilson, Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Voltaire, Epictetus, Molière Molière, Thomas Malory, Aesop, Homer Homer

North vs South Collection - 40+ Civil War Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume Free label@2x

North vs South Collection - 40+ Civil War Novels Stories & History Books in One Volume

Mark Twain, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection - Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War Free label@2x

The Tales of Civil War: 40 Books Collection - Novels & Stories of Civil War Including the Rhodes History of the War

Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, Edward Everett Hale, Ambrose Bierce, Joseph A. Altsheler, John Esten Cooke, John William De Forest, Randall Parrish, Mary Johnston, Charles King, G. A. Henty, Robert W. Chambers, Winston Churchill, George Washington Cable, George W. Peck, Ellen Glasgow, Natalie Sumner Lincoln, John McElroy, Byron A. Dunn, John R. Musick, James Ford Rhodes, Jules Verne, Thomas Dixon Jr., B. K. Benson, Charles Carleton Coffin, Lucy Foster Madison, W. H. Shelton, Harry Hazelton, Edward Robins, Henry F. Keenan, María Ruiz de Burton

Thanksgiving Stories - Collection of 40+ Tales Free label@2x

Thanksgiving Stories - Collection of 40+ Tales

George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Andrew Lang, Eleanor H. Porter, Eugene Field, Edward Everett Hale, Susan Coolidge, Hezekiah Butterworth, Sarah Orne Jewett, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Albert F. Blaisdell, Alice Wheildon, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Maud Lindsay, Olive Thorne Miller, P.-J. Stahl, C. A. Stephens, Alfred Gatty, Phila Butler Bowman, Katherine Grace Hulbert, Isabel Gordon Curtis, Eleanor L. Skinner, Sheldon C. Stoddard, Kate Upson Clark, Francis K. Ball, Winthrop Packard, R. K. Munkittrick, E. S. Brooks, Agnes Carr, J. T. Trowbridge, L. B. Pingree, Emily Hewitt Leland, Sophie Swet, Fannie Wilder Brown, Annie Hamilton Donnell, Edna Payson Brett, Pauline Shackleford Colyar, H. R. Schoolcraft, Rose Terry Cooke

HARVARD CLASSICS - All 20 Volumes in one Edition - A Literary Journey Through Time and Space

HARVARD CLASSICS - All 20 Volumes in one Edition - A Literary Journey Through Time and Space

Edgar Allan Poe, George Eliot, Juan Valera, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Guy de Maupassant, William Makepeace Thackeray, Laurence Sterne, Edward Everett Hale, Alphonse Daudet, Alfred de Musset, George Sand, Henry Fielding, Walter Scott, Theodor Storm, Ivan Turgenev, Theodor Fontane, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Gottfried Keller, Francis Bret Harte, Honore Balzac, Victor Hugo, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander L. Kielland, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction - Complete 20 Volumes - Exploring Literary Masterpieces Across 20 Volumes

The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction - Complete 20 Volumes - Exploring Literary Masterpieces Across 20 Volumes

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Theodor Storm, Charles Dickens, Theodor Fontane, Gottfried Keller, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Jane Austen, Alphonse Daudet, Guy de Maupassant, George Eliot, Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne, Henry Fielding, George Sand, Washington Irving, Juan Valera, Alfred de Musset, Nathaniel Hawthorne, William Makepeace Thackeray, Edward Everett Hale, Francis Bret Harte, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Honore Balzac, Alexander L. Kielland

Thanksgiving: Heart-Warming Stories for Children - A Tapestry of Thanksgiving Tales: A Rich Collection of Heart-Warming Stories

Thanksgiving: Heart-Warming Stories for Children - A Tapestry of Thanksgiving Tales: A Rich Collection of Heart-Warming Stories

George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Andrew Lang, Eleanor H. Porter, Eugene Field, Edward Everett Hale, Susan Coolidge, Hezekiah Butterworth, Sarah Orne Jewett, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Albert F. Blaisdell, Alice Wheildon, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Maud Lindsay, Olive Thorne Miller, P.-J. Stahl, C. A. Stephens, Alfred Gatty, Phila Butler Bowman, Katherine Grace Hulbert, Isabel Gordon Curtis, Eleanor L. Skinner, Sheldon C. Stoddard, Kate Upson Clark, Francis K. Ball, Winthrop Packard, R. K. Munkittrick, E. S. Brooks, Agnes Carr, J. T. Trowbridge, L. B. Pingree, Emily Hewitt Leland, Sophie Swet, Fannie Wilder Brown, Annie Hamilton Donnell, Edna Payson Brett, Pauline Shackleford Colyar, H. R. Schoolcraft, Rose Terry Cooke

The Great Short Stories of Thanksgiving - An Anthology of Thanksgiving Tales by Classic American Authors

The Great Short Stories of Thanksgiving - An Anthology of Thanksgiving Tales by Classic American Authors

George Eliot, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Andrew Lang, Eleanor H. Porter, O. Henry, Eugene Field, Edward Everett Hale, Susan Coolidge, Alfred Henry Lewis, Mary Jane Holmes, Sarah Orne Jewett, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Alfred Gatty, Ida Hamilton Munsell, Nora Perry

The Man Without a Country

The Man Without a Country

Edward Everett Hale