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Workforce 40 - How AI the Home Office and the Gig Economy Are Disrupting the Status Quo

Gerard Szatvanyi

More Than a Mission Statement - How To Enhance Culture to Create Quality Growth

Frank Rotello, Brent Bernardi

The New Work Exchange - Embracing the Future by Putting Employees First

Scott Cawood

A Working Class State of Mind

Colin Burnett

The Package King - A Rank-and-File History of UPS

Joe Allen

Employment Tips - A Guide To Navigating Career Success In The Ever-Changing Job Market

Owen Jones

New World Order 2023 September

Eduard Wagner

New World Order 2023 September

Eduard Wagner

Labour policy—false and true - A study in economic history and industrial economics

Lynden Livingston Macassey

Sybil or The Two Nations

Benjamin Disraeli

Wages in 1873: Address read before the Social Science Association at Norwich - Unveiling Economic Realities: A 19th Century Wage Study

Thomas Brassey Earl Brassey

The Personal Relation in Industry - Transforming Workplace Dynamics Through Personal Relationships

John D. Jr. Rockefeller

Work from Home

Fred Jones

Resigning During The Pandemic - Your Value As An Employee In Time Of Crisis

Aaron Albalad

Turn Your Time Into Yield - Efficient Strategies To Eradicate Procrastination

Danilo H. Gomes

A Rational Wages System - Some Notes on the Method of Paying the Worker a Reward for Efficiency in Addition to Wages

Henry Atkinson

The Employments of Women: A Cyclopædia of Woman's Work - Exploring Women's Work in the 19th Century: A Comprehensive Guide to Historical Occupations and Opportunities

Virginia Penny

Proceedings Third National Conference Workmen's Compensation for Industrial Accidents - Addressing Challenges and Solutions for Workplace Safety

Accidents National Conference on Workmen's Compensation for Industrial

The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South - The Transformative Impact of Industrialization in the Southern Cotton Industry

Broadus Mitchell

Beneficiary Features of American Trade Unions - A Deep Dive into American Labor Relations and Worker Rights

James Boyd Kennedy

Speculations from Political Economy - Exploring Economic Theories of the 19th Century

Charles Baron Clarke

Violence and the Labor Movement - Navigating violence and power dynamics in labor struggles

Robert Hunter

Syndicalism in France - Unveiling the Revolutionary Roots of French Labor Movements

Lewis L. Lorwin

The Itching Palm: A Study of the Habit of Tipping in America - Unveiling the Psychology and Socioeconomic Impact of Tipping in America

William R. Scott

The Gratitude Gateway - How an Attitude of Gratitude is the Gateway to transforming your Life

Alan Revolti

Employment Tips - A Guide To Navigating Career Success In The Ever-Changing Job Market

Owen Jones