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Publisher: Philosophical Library

Philosophical Library

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The Wisdom of George Santayana

Philosophical Library

Crimes of Passion

Marquis de Sade

A Short History of Greek Philosophy

John Marshall

The Witchcraft Collection Volume One - Dictionary of Satanism Dictionary of Witchcraft and Dictionary of Pagan Religions

Wade Baskin, Harry E. Wedeck, Collin de Plancy

The Wisdom of Karl Marx

Philosophical Library

Dictionary of Witchcraft

Collin de Plancy

The Art of Thinking

Dagobert D. Runes

The World of Dreams

Henri Bergson

The Wisdom of Leonardo da Vinci

Philosophical Library

The Road to Inner Freedom - The Ethics

Baruch Spinoza

The Wisdom of Sigmund Freud

Philosophical Library

The Wisdom of the Kabbalah

Philosophical Library

The Wisdom of Sartre

Philosophical Library

The Wisdom of Oscar Wilde

Philosophical Library

Letters on Art and Literature

François Mauriac

The Wisdom of Confucius

Philosophical Library

Art and Poetry

Jacques Maritain

Nuclear Physics

W. Heisenberg

Unpublished Letters

Friedrich Nietzsche

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

Albert Schweitzer

The Social Contract

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Essence of Faith - Philosophy of Religion

Albert Schweitzer

Jean-Paul Sartre - Philosopher Without Faith

René Marill-Albérès

A World Without Jews

Karl Marx

Oscar Wilde - Reminiscences

André Gide

The Adolescence of Zhenya Luvers

Boris Pasternak

A Dictionary of Thought

Dagobert D. Runes

Dictionary of Mysticism

Frank Gaynor

The Talmud of Jerusalem

Dagobert D. Runes

Handbook of Reason

Dagobert D. Runes