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Publisher: David De Angelis

David De Angelis

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Rasputin (Translated) - The end of a regime

J W Bienstock

Death and Reincarnation (Traslated)

PAPUS Dr G. Encausse

True Chinese Acupuncture (Translated) - Doctrine - Diagnosis - Therapy

George Soulié de Morant

Suggestion Therapeutic (Translated) - Diseases treated by means suggestive and hypnotic

Thomas F. Schneider

The greatest Power in the Universe (Unabridged edition) - Discover the amazing power in your mind and how to use it

Uell S Andersen

Success Cybernetics (Unabridged edition)

Uell S Andersen

Lower back and neck pain (Translated) - Do's and don'ts for a healthy back

Authors Various

How and When to Be Your Own Doctor

Isabelle A. Moser

How to be a Yogi

Swami Abhedananda

Occult Principles of Health and Healing

Max Heindel

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Swami Swatmarama

Three Magic Words (Unabridged edition) - The Key to Power Peace and Plenty

Uell S Andersen

How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals Into Reality

Brown Landone

Fletcherism - The Art of Chewing Very Slowly for Wellness and Health

Horace Fletcher

The Secret of Secrets (Unabridged edition) - Your Key to Subconscious Power

Uell S Andersen

The Big Book of Witchcraft and Wicca (Translated)

Jacques Rubinstein

Cure yourself with Herbs and Medicinal Plants (Translated) - Teaches how to treat any disease or disorder and how to prepare medicines in the family

Alberto Fidi

Vegetarian Cooking

Various Authors

Awake the Genius within your Mind - (Working with God)

Gardner Hunting

The Power of the Will - Over self over others over fate (Translated) - Practical method of personal influence

Paul C. Jagot

Magnetism Hypnotism and Suggestion (Translated) - The golden rules for influencing others developing one's hidden energies enhancing personality and curing illnesses

Paul C. Jagot

Elements of Radiesthesia (Translated) - Theory and Practice

Pietro Zampa

Do animals have souls? (Translated)

Frank Buzan

Il Guerriero del Cuore - Pensieri e riflessioni per conquistare la propria Vita

David De Angelis

Grow Rich While You Sleep

Ben Sweetland

Gli Insegnamenti Segreti per Manifestare la Tua Realta’ (Tradotto) - Conferenze rare di Neville Goddard

Gli Insegnamenti Segreti per Manifestare la Tua Realta’ (Tradotto) - Conferenze rare di Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

Die Geheimen Lehren um ihre Realität zu Manifestieren (Übersetzt) - Seltene Konferenzen von Neville Goddard

Die Geheimen Lehren um ihre Realität zu Manifestieren (Übersetzt) - Seltene Konferenzen von Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

Les Enseignements Secrets pour Manifester votre Réalité (Traduit) - Rares Conférences de Neville Goddard

Les Enseignements Secrets pour Manifester votre Réalité (Traduit) - Rares Conférences de Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

Las Enseñanzas Secretas para Manifestar tu Realidad (Traducido) - Raras Conferencias de Neville Goddard

Las Enseñanzas Secretas para Manifestar tu Realidad (Traducido) - Raras Conferencias de Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard

Os Ensinamentos Secretos para Manifestar sua Realidade (Traduzido) - Raras Conferências de Neville Goddard

Os Ensinamentos Secretos para Manifestar sua Realidade (Traduzido) - Raras Conferências de Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard