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Beyond the Clinical Hour - How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis

James N. Sells, Amy Trout, Heather C. Sells

When Religion Hurts You - Healing from Religious Trauma and the Impact of High-Control Religion

Laura E. Anderson

Ecotherapy - A Field Guide

Keith Tudor, David Key

The Psychotherapist and the Professional Complaint - The Shadow Side of Therapy

Valerie Sinason, Adah Sachs

Make Every Move a Meditation - Mindful Movement for Mental Health Well-Being and Insight

Nita Sweeny

Queering Psychotherapy

Jane C. Czyzselska

The Burden of Heritage - Hauntings of Generational Trauma on Black Lives

Aileen Alleyne

The Decision to Kill - A True Crime Story of a Teenage Killer and the Mother Who Loved Him

Leslie Ghiglieri

Primitive Bodily Communications in Psychotherapy - Embodied Expressions of a Disembodied Psyche

Raffaella Hilty

Contented Couples - Magic Logic or Luck?

Anne Power

MIDLIFE - Humanity's Secret Weapon

Andrew Jamieson

Gender Identity and Faith - Clinical Postures Tools and Case Studies for Client-Centered Care

Mark A. Yarhouse, Julia A. Sadusky

Darkness Was My Candle - An Odyssey of Survival and Grace

Lora DeVore

BWRT - Reboot your life with BrainWorking Recursive Therapy

Terence Watts

Theology for Psychology and Counseling - An Invitation to Holistic Christian Practice

Kutter Callaway, William B. Whitney

Analysis and Exile - Boyhood Loss and the Lessons of Anna Freud

Vivian Heller

Unlocked - Online Therapy Stories

Anastasia Piatakhina Giré

Present with Suffering - Being with the Things that Hurt

Nigel Wellings, Elizabeth Wilde McCormick

The Physics of God - How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science

Joseph Selbie

The Physics of God - How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science

Joseph Selbie

Life After a Partner's Suicide Attempt

Francis McGivern

The Integration of Psychology and Christianity - A Domain-Based Approach

William L. Hathaway, Mark A. Yarhouse

The White Knight Syndrome - Rescuing Yourself from Your Need to Rescue Others

Mary C. Lamia, Marilyn J. Krieger

How it Feels to be You - Objects Play and Child Psychotherapy

Tamsin Cottis

The Mind of the Murderer - Why People Kill

W. Lindesay Neustatter

Astrology's Higher Octaves - New Dimensions of a Healing Art

Greg Bogart

The Truth about Trauma and Dissociation - Everything you didn't want to know and were afraid to ask

Valerie Sinason

Towards an Ecopsychotherapy

Mary-Jayne Rust

The New Sexual Landscape and Contemporary Psychoanalysis

Rocco Lo Bosco, Danielle Knafo

Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century

Nick Totton