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Oxford Mountaineering Essays - Exploring Mountaineering: A Literary Journey into Nature's Majesty and Human Resilience

Michael T. H. Sadler, Julian S. Huxley, Norman Egerton Young, Hugh Kingsmill Lunn, H. E. G. Tyndale, N. T. Huxley, H. R. Pope, Arnold H. M. Lunn

Rock-climbing in the English Lake District - Exploring the Vertical World: A Climber's Guide to the Lake District

Owen Glynne Jones

The Go Ahead Boys and the Racing Motor-Boat - Speeding Towards Victory: A Tale of Youthful Courage and Racing Thrills

Ross Kay

Boy Scouts in Glacier Park The Adventures of Two Young Easterners in the Heart of the High Rockies - Exploring the High Rockies: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

Walter Prichard Eaton

The Outdoor Chums After Big Game; Or Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness - A Youth Adventure in the Untamed Wilderness

Quincy Allen

The making of a mountaineer - Scaling Peaks: A Mountaineer's Tale of Adventure and Inspiration

George Ingle Finch

The Rambler club in the mountains - Exploring Friendship and Adventure in the Majestic Mountains

W. Crispin Sheppard

Mountain Craft - Exploring humanity's profound connection to majestic mountains

Various Authors

My Home in the Alps - An Alpine Memoir: A Journey through Nature and Adventure

Aubrey Le Blond

The Assault on Mount Everest 1922 - Conquering Everest: A gripping tale of courage and determination in the treacherous Himalayas

C. G. Bruce

With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps - Journeying through the Majestic New Zealand Alpine Terrain

George Edward Mannering

Above the Snow Line: Mountaineering Sketches Between 1870 and 1880 - Exploring the Victorian Era of Mountaineering

C. T. Dent

Black Bass - Where to catch them in quantity within an hour's ride from New York

Charles Barker Bradford

Ski-runs in the High Alps - Exploring Alpine Skiing: Thrills History and Cultural Insights in the High Alps

F. F. Roget

Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus - Exploring Sporting Traditions in 19th Century Crimea and Caucasus

Clive Phillipps-Wolley

Hours of Exercise in the Alps - Exploring the Alpine Majesty: A Mountaineer's Journey Through Nature and Danger

John Tyndall

The Netherworld of Mendip - Explorations in the great caverns of Somerset Yorkshire Derbyshire and elsewhere

H. E. Balch, Ernest A. Baker

Climbing on the Himalaya and Other Mountain Ranges - Thrilling Tales of High Altitude Adventures

Norman Collie

True Tales of Mountain Adventures: For Non-Climbers Young and Old - Thrilling Mountain Escapades: A Journey of Courage and Exploration

Aubrey Le Blond

Deadfalls and Snares - A Book of Instruction for Trappers About These and Other Home-Made Traps

A. R. Harding