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Breath Taking - The Power Fragility and Future of Our Extraordinary Lungs

Michael J. Stephen

Epidemics and their prevention in Ayurveda - Keeping our ecosystem pure haelthy an unspoilt!

Dr. Manu Das

The NHS - The Story So Far

Ellen Welch

Water Birth and Sexuality - Our primeval connection to water and its use in labour and therapy

Michele Odent

The Coronavirus Pandemic - Anthroposophical Perspectives

Judith von Halle

The Wisdom of Teeth - Dentosophy – A Gateway to Health: From Oral Balance to Total Balance

Michel Montaud

Blinded by Corona - Excellent' Jon Snow

John Ashton

Astrology's Higher Octaves - New Dimensions of a Healing Art

Greg Bogart

The Practice of Medicine as Being in Time

Raymond C. Barfield

The Truth about Trauma and Dissociation - Everything you didn't want to know and were afraid to ask

Valerie Sinason

Butte and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Janelle M Olberding

Could it be Insulin Resistance?

Hanna Purdy

The Language of Illness

Fergus Shanahan

Logotherapy - Principles and Methods

Elisabeth Lukas

Hydrogen Peroxide: Uses And Curative Successes

Jochen Gartz

Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer)

John Abrams

The Remarkable Life of the Skin - An Intimate Journey Across Our Largest Organ

Monty Lyman

South Africa Beyond Covid-19 - Trends change and recovery

Pieter du Toit

The Gift You Give Yourself - Surgical and Other Choices That Enhance Your Appearance Confidence and Health

E. Gaylon McCollough

The New Sexual Landscape and Contemporary Psychoanalysis

Rocco Lo Bosco, Danielle Knafo

Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century

Nick Totton

Towards an Ecopsychotherapy

Mary-Jayne Rust

The Brain has a Mind of its Own - Attachment Neurobiology and the New Science of Psychotherapy

Jeremy Holmes

Music as Medicine - particularly in Parkinson's

Daphne Bryan

Cinderella and Her Sisters - The Envied and the Envying

Barry Ulanov, Ann Belford Ulanov

Sisyphus: The Old Stone A New Way A Jungian Approach to Midlife Crisis

Verena Kast

Drugs Addiction and Initiation: The Modern Search for Ritual

Luigi Zoja

THE Coronavirus survival Guide


National Biodefense Strategy

U.S. Government, House White

Myocardial torsion - Anatomo-functional interpretation of cardiac mechanics

Jorge C. Trainini, Jorge Lowenstein, Mario Beraudo, Alejandro Trainini, Vicente Llabata Mora, Mario Wernicke