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Breath Taking - The Power Fragility and Future of Our Extraordinary Lungs

Michael J. Stephen

Epidemics and their prevention in Ayurveda - Keeping our ecosystem pure haelthy an unspoilt!

Dr. Manu Das

The NHS - The Story So Far

Ellen Welch

Water Birth and Sexuality - Our primeval connection to water and its use in labour and therapy

Michele Odent

The Coronavirus Pandemic - Anthroposophical Perspectives

Judith von Halle

The Wisdom of Teeth - Dentosophy – A Gateway to Health: From Oral Balance to Total Balance

Michel Montaud

Blinded by Corona - Excellent' Jon Snow

John Ashton

Astrology's Higher Octaves - New Dimensions of a Healing Art

Greg Bogart

The Practice of Medicine as Being in Time

Raymond C. Barfield

The Truth about Trauma and Dissociation - Everything you didn't want to know and were afraid to ask

Valerie Sinason

Could it be Insulin Resistance?

Hanna Purdy

Butte and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Janelle M Olberding

The Language of Illness

Fergus Shanahan

Logotherapy - Principles and Methods

Elisabeth Lukas

Hydrogen Peroxide: Uses And Curative Successes

Jochen Gartz

Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer)

John Abrams

The Remarkable Life of the Skin - An Intimate Journey Across Our Largest Organ

Monty Lyman

South Africa Beyond Covid-19 - Trends change and recovery

Pieter du Toit

The Gift You Give Yourself - Surgical and Other Choices That Enhance Your Appearance Confidence and Health

E. Gaylon McCollough

The Brain has a Mind of its Own - Attachment Neurobiology and the New Science of Psychotherapy

Jeremy Holmes

The New Sexual Landscape and Contemporary Psychoanalysis

Rocco Lo Bosco, Danielle Knafo

Towards an Ecopsychotherapy

Mary-Jayne Rust

Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century

Nick Totton

Music as Medicine - particularly in Parkinson's

Daphne Bryan

Drugs Addiction and Initiation: The Modern Search for Ritual

Luigi Zoja

Cinderella and Her Sisters - The Envied and the Envying

Barry Ulanov, Ann Belford Ulanov

Sisyphus: The Old Stone A New Way A Jungian Approach to Midlife Crisis

Verena Kast

THE Coronavirus survival Guide


National Biodefense Strategy

U.S. Government, House White

Myocardial torsion - Anatomo-functional interpretation of cardiac mechanics

Jorge C. Trainini, Jorge Lowenstein, Mario Beraudo, Alejandro Trainini, Vicente Llabata Mora, Mario Wernicke