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The Story of Great Inventions - Unveiling the Legacy of Innovation: Stories of Inventors and Technological Progress

Elmer Ellsworth Burns

Achieving Digital Transformation Using Hybrid Cloud - Design standardized next-generation applications for any infrastructure

Vikas Grover, Ishu Verma, Praveen Rajagopalan

Engineers and their triumphs - The story of the locomotive the steamship bridge building tunnel making

F. M. Holmes

Elastic and non-elastic narrow fabrics and a chapter on narrow fabrics made on knitting machines - Exploring Techniques and Production of Narrow Fabrics

Samuel Brown

Industrial Automation from Scratch - A hands-on guide to using sensors actuators PLCs HMIs and SCADA to automate industrial processes

Olushola Akande

Mastering PLC Programming - The software engineering survival guide to automation programming

Mason White

The Cruise of the Gyro-Car - A Thrilling Journey in a Cutting-Edge Gyro-Car: An Adventure Tale of Innovation and Exploration

Herbert Strang

Synthetic resins and their raw materials - Exploring the Chemistry and Economics of Synthetic Resins

Commission United States Tariff

Type and Presses in America - A Brief Historical Sketch of the Development of Type Casting and Press Building in the United States

Frederick W. Hamilton

Venus Equilateral - Interstellar Adventures and Technological Wonders in a Space Relay Station

George O. Smith

Kaikaku - at its worst - How greedy shareholders and incompetent managers can ruin a company

Robert F. Carter

Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber - Unveiling the Craftsmanship of Rubber Hand Stamps

T. O'Conor Sloane

Modern Copper Smelting - Exploring the Innovations and Impact of Copper Smelting in Industry and Technology

Donald M. Levy

The Rare Earths: Their Occurrence Chemistry and Technology - Unveiling the Secrets of Rare Earth Elements in Modern Technology

Stanley Isaac Levy

Notes Upon Indigo - Unraveling the Tapestry: A Journey Through Indigo's Global Influence

John L. Hayes

Lead Smelting and Refining With Some Notes on Lead Mining - An In-Depth Exploration of Metallurgical Techniques

Various Various

Glass and Glass Manufacture - Unveiling the Art and History of Glass Crafting

Percival Marson

Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas - For the Lighting of Streets Houses and Public Buildings

Friedrich Christian Accum

3D Printer Troubleshooting Handbook - The Ultimate Guide To Fix all Common and Uncommon FDM 3D Printing Issues!

M.Eng. Johannes Wild

CAD 101 - The Ultimate Beginners Guide

M.Eng. Johannes Wild

3D Printing 101 - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

M.Eng. Johannes Wild

Summary of Empire of Pain - by Patrick Radden Keefe - The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty - A Comprehensive Summary

Alexander Cooper

The Complete Treatise on Gold - An alchemical tract

Unknown Unknown

Takt Time - A Guide to the Very Basic Lean Calculation

Mohammed Hamed Ahmed Soliman

Jidoka - The Toyota Principle of Building Quality into the Process

Mohammed Hamed Ahmed Soliman

Blacksmithing - Blacksmithing For Beginners

John Hammer

Improvement in Fire-Arms and in the Apparatus Used Therewith - United States Patent Office Application

Samuel Colt

Diamonds - (Illustrated Edition)

William Crookes

The Manufacture of Paper - With Illustrations and a Bibliography of Works Relating to Cellulose and Paper-Making

R. W. Sindall

Coal and What We Get from It - Unveiling the Power and Impact of Coal Mining

Raphael Meldola