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Business & Economics

Economics, Finance, Business & Management / Economics / Development economics & emerging economies

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Disclosure on sustainable development CSR environmental disclosure and greater value recognized to the company by users

Olga Maria Stefania Cucaro

Tamansiswa Accounting Journal International - Volume 4 No 1 January 2022

Tamansiswa Accounting Journal International

A Philosophy for a Fair Society

Michael Hudson

The Economics of Government

Leon Maclaren

The Function of Economics

Leon Maclaren

Millions from Waste - Unlocking Profits Through Sustainable Waste Management Practices

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot

The Corruption of Economics

Fred Harrison, Mason Gaffney

The Art of Not Giving Up! - A Bible of Motivation

Cristi Cruceanu

The backbone of Bangladesh’s development - Bangladesh's development: The challenges and ways of addressing

Md Bayazid Khan

The Man Who Bought London - Greed Power and Manipulation in the Heart of London

Edgar Wallace

The New Wonder of the World: Buffalo the Electric City - Unveiling the Electric City: A Historical Journey through Buffalo's Technological Marvels and Urban Transformation

A. E. Richmond

Wages in 1873: Address read before the Social Science Association at Norwich - Unveiling Economic Realities: A 19th Century Wage Study

Thomas Brassey Earl Brassey

Business Analysis : Learn in 24 Hours

Alex Nordeen

Summary of Red Notice - by Bill Browders - A True Story of High Finance Murder and One Man’s Fight for Justice - A Comprehensive Summary

Alexander Cooper

Summary of Good to Great - by Jim Collins - Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't - A Comprehensive Summary

Alexander Cooper

Develop your business intelligence

Marcos Portland

The Cost of Delaying Action to Stem Climate Change - The Urgent Call for Climate Action and Economic Consequences

Council of Economic Advisers

Montgomery the Capital City of Alabama: Her Resources and Advantages - Unlocking Montgomery's Past Present and Future

Montgomery Montgomery Real Estate Agents' Association

Rural Wealth and Welfare: Economic Principles Illustrated and Applied in Farm Life - Economic Principles for Sustainable Farming Success

Geo. T. Fairchild

The Systems Thinker - Mental Models - Take Control Over Your Thought Patterns

Albert Rutherford

Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania - Unveiling the Economic Potential of Overlooked Regions

Jewett C. Gilson

The Great American Fraud - The Patent Medicine Evil

Samuel Hopkins Adams

A Definition of Snow - Fourteen voices of social humanitarian development and peace workers working in their native country or region

Annina Lux

Bamboo Considered as a Paper-making Material

Thomas Routledge

The Economics of the Russian Village

Isaac A. Hourwich

The New Wonder of the World: Buffalo the Electric City

A. E. Richmond

I Am Not Ready To Be A Slave - Guaranteed Powerful Prayers For Gender Equality Women Empowerment Women Advancement Safe Delivery

Olusola Coker