Maurice Maeterlinck: THE CHILDREN'S LIFE OF THE BEE - The inner workings of a bee hive
Maurice Maeterlinck
Narrator philip chenevert
Publisher: philip chenevert
Buzz, buzz, buzz. A fascinating and beautifully written explanation of the life of the honey bee. Maeterlinck, who won the Noble Prize for Literature, wrote a more scholarly work called The Life of the Bee but then rewrote it in simpler terms so that children could appreciate what goes in a hive. The book describes in simple language the inner workings of a hive from its beginning with a swarm to the fully functional hive with thousands of workers, drones and a queen busily building, repairing and gathering.
Duration: about 4 hours (04:04:40) Publishing date: 2024-05-13; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —