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Edward Lear: A Book of Nonsense

Edward Lear

Joel Chandler Harris: The Tar Baby & Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus - These are rhymes in dialect as collected by Joel Chandler Harris

Joel Chandler Harris

Jack Williamson: Salvage in Space - To Thad Allen meteor miner comes the dangerous bonanza of a derelict rocket-flier manned by death invisible

Jack Williamson

Robert Williams: Planet of the Gods - Your crewmate and was buried two days ago But he is now knocking on the spacecraft door

Robert Williams

Shigemi Shiukichi: A Japanese Boy - A Japanese boy's normal happy life in the early 1900s

Shigemi Shiukichi

Rudyard Kipling: Just So Stories

Rudyard Kipling

Robert Silverberg: The Happy Unfortunate - Humanity is forced to breed a new species - of humans

Robert Silverberg

Robert Silverberg: The Hunted Heroes - The world has been destroyed What kind of people can survive?

Robert Silverberg

Harry Harrison: Planet of the Damned - Space Derring Do Rip roaring action Evil Aliens A bewildered hero Lots of fun from Harry Harrison

Harry Harrison

Hans Christian Anderson - The Little Match Girl - 7 stories: The Little Match Girl; The Swineherd; The Real Princess; The Leap Frog The Elderbush; The Bell and The Old House

Hans Christian Andersen

Edna Ferber: Roast Beef Medium

Edna Ferber

Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett: The Judas Valley

Robert Silverberg, Randall Garrett

L Frank Baum: Glenda of OZ

L. Frank Baum

Frtiz Leiber: Three Science Fiction Stories - The Moon is Green; Bread Overhead & What's He Doing In There?!

Fritz Leiber

Henrik Ibsen: A Dolls House

Henrik Ibsen

Leigh Brackett: The Dragon Queen of Jupiter - More feared than the deadly green snakes the hideous red beetles of that outpost of Earth Empire was the winged dragon-queen of Jupiter and her white Legions of Doom

Leigh Brackett

Randall Garrett: But I Don't Think - As every thinking man knows every slave always yearns for the freedom his master denies him

Randall Garrett

H Beam Piper: Temple Trouble - Miracles to order was a fine way for the paratimers to get mining concessions—but Nature can sometimes pull counter-miracles And so can men for that matter

H. Beam Piper

James Joseph Walsh: The Thirteenth - Greatest of Centuries - The 13th: Greatest of Centuries? Yes listen to the reasons why this was so

James Joseph Walsh

L Frank Baum: The Scarecrow of OZ - The Scarecrow helps defeat the cruel king of Jinxland - lots of excitement!

L. Frank Baum

Ray Bradbury & Leigh Brackett: LORELEI OF THE RED MIST - He died—and then awakened in a new body He found himself a powerful rich man He took pleasure in his turn of good luck but his new body was hated by all on this strange planet

Ray Bradbury, Leigh Brackett

Nikaloi Gogol: The Cloak

Nikolai Gogol


Clifford Simac

Murray Leinster: PARIAH PLANET - The Med Service ship with Calhoun and Murgatroyd the Tormal aboard are on the job and have stumbled into the horrible mess caused by unreasoning hatred quarantine mass starvation and serious bureaucratic screw ups

Murray Leinster

Ruth Plumly Thompson: GRANDPA IN OZ

Ruth Plumly Thompson

G K Chesterton: The Sign of the Broken Sword

G.K. Chesterton

Leigh Brackett: Terror out of Space

Leigh Brackett

Andre Norton: Voodoo Planet - Fighting Voodoo is not east but medic Tau has a few tricks of his own

Andre Norton

Franz Kafka: The Metamorphosis - How does it feel to become an insect?

Franz Kafka

Ruth Plumly Thompsom: The Silver Princess in OZ

Ruth Plumly Thompson