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Publisher: GAEditori


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The Secret Adversary

Agatha Christie

Mrs Dalloway

Virginia Woolf

Beautiful Joe - An Autobiography of a Dog

Marshall Saunders

A room with a view

E. M. Forster

The patriotic poems

Walt Whitman

The painted veil

William Somerset Maugham

Gentlemen prefer blondes

Anita Loos

An American Tragedy

Theodore Dreiser

In our time

Ernest Hemingway

The Professor's House

Willa Cather


Sinclair Lewis

Arms and the man

George Bernard Shaw

Androcles and the Lion

George Bernard Shaw


Hermann Hesse

The book of five rings

Musashi Miyamoto

The Antichrist

Friedrich Nietzsche

The Book of Tea

Okakura Kakuzō

Women and Economics

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The destroying angel

Louis Joseph Vance

Room 13

Edgar Wallace

The Guermantes Way

Marcel Proust

The trial

Sigmund Freud

De Profundis

Oscar Wilde

South wind

Norman Douglas

Who spoke next

Eliza Lee Cabot Follen

A bid for fortune - Or Dr Nikola's Vendetta

Guy Boothby

The Napoleon of Notting Hill

G. K. Chesterton

The Warden

Anthony Trollope

I say no

Wilkie Collins

The backwoods of Canada

Catharine Parr Traill