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Publisher: Baker Academic

Baker Academic

“Baker Academic serves the academy and the church by publishing works that further the pursuit of knowledge and understanding within the context of Christian faith. Building on our Reformed and evangelical heritage, we connect authors and readers across the broader academic community by publishing books that reflect historic Christianity and its contemporary expressions. Our authors are scholars who are leaders in their fields, write irenically, and display a healthy respect for other...

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Reformed and Always Reforming (Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology) - The Postconservative Approach to Evangelical Theology

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Understanding Transgender Identities - Four Views

Paul Rhodes Eddy, James K. Beilby

Hermeneutics - Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation

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Created for Community - Connecting Christian Belief with Christian Living

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The Synoptic Problem - Four Views

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Crossing Cultures with the Gospel - Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness

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A Boundless God - The Spirit according to the Old Testament

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Scripture as Communication - Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics

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Paul the Spirit and the People of God

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