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Plastics: Just a Load of Rubbish? - Re-evaluating Plastic and Its Role in Saving the Environment

Alicia Chrysostomou

Next Generation Innovation - Supercharge Your Business through Strategic Government Partnerships

Kelly Carnes

Dinner on Mars - The Technologies That Will Feed the Red Planet and Transform Agriculture on Earth

Lenore Newman, Evan D. G. Fraser

Advances in Physicochemical Properties of Biopolymers: Part 2

Martin A. Masuelli, Denis Renard

Advances in Physicochemical Properties of Biopolymers: Part 1

Martin A. Masuelli, Denis Renard

Dictionary of Explosives

Arthur Marshall

The Dreadnought Boys on Aero Service - A thrilling aero service adventure in the early 20th century aviation world

John Henry Goldfrap

Engineers and their triumphs - The story of the locomotive the steamship bridge building tunnel making

F. M. Holmes

Elastic and non-elastic narrow fabrics and a chapter on narrow fabrics made on knitting machines - Exploring Techniques and Production of Narrow Fabrics

Samuel Brown

Type and Presses in America - A Brief Historical Sketch of the Development of Type Casting and Press Building in the United States

Frederick W. Hamilton

Notes Upon Indigo - Unraveling the Tapestry: A Journey Through Indigo's Global Influence

John L. Hayes

The Rare Earths: Their Occurrence Chemistry and Technology - Unveiling the Secrets of Rare Earth Elements in Modern Technology

Stanley Isaac Levy

Coal and What We Get from It - Unveiling the Power and Impact of Coal Mining

Raphael Meldola

Bamboo Considered as a Paper-making Material - Exploring Bamboo's Sustainable Role in Paper Production

Thomas Routledge

Animal Proteins - Unlocking the Power of Animal Proteins for Optimal Health and Wellness

Hugh Garner Bennett

Hosiery Manufacture - Evolution of Weaving Techniques and Textile Machinery in Hosiery Production

William Davis

The Engineering Contributions of Wendel Bollman - Revolutionizing Bridge Construction in the 19th Century

Robert M. Vogel

The Aeroplane Speaks - Unraveling the Mystique of Flight: A Journey Through Aviation Evolution and Significance

H. Barber

Theory of Silk Weaving - A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Weaves and the Decomposition and Calculation of Broad and Narrow Plain Novelty and Jacquard Silk Fabrics

Arnold Wolfensberger

John Deere's Steel Plow - Revolutionizing American Agriculture with John Deere's Steel Plow

Edward C. Kendall

The Jute Industry: From Seed to Finished Cloth - Unveiling the Global Impact of Jute Processing

Thomas Woodhouse, Peter Kilgour

The Theory and Practice of Brewing - Unraveling the Craft of Brewing: A Deep Dive into Beer Making Fermentation and Pub Culture

Michael Combrune

History of Phosphorus - Unveiling the Elemental Influence: From Alchemy to Agriculture Warfare and Medicine

Eduard Farber

Acetylene the Principles of Its Generation and Use - A Practical Handbook on the Production Purification and Subsequent Treatment of Acetylene for the Development of Light Heat and Power

W. J. Atkinson Butterfield, F. H. Leeds

Laboratory Manual of Glass-Blowing - Mastering Artisan Techniques in Glass Blowing

Francis C. Frary

Creative Chemistry: Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries - Revolutionizing Chemical Industries: Advances & Innovations

Edwin E. Slosson

Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise - Exploring the Chemistry and Application of Nitro-Explosives: A Comprehensive Handbook for Professionals and Enthusiasts

P. Gerald Sanford

Opportunities in Engineering - Exploring Engineering Career Paths and Practical Applications: An Insightful Guide for Aspiring Professionals

Charles M. Horton

Soap-Making Manual - A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials Their Manipulation Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant

Edgar George Thomssen

The Handbook of Soap Manufacture - Innovative Techniques and Historical Insights in Soap Crafting

H. A. Appleton, W. H. Simmons