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Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty - Emerging Conflicts

Douglas Laycock, Anthony R Picarello, Robin Fretwell Wilson

BETWEEN LOVE AND FAREWELL - A Guide Through Separation

Ludwig Luna

Broken Bonds - Navigating Divorce And Separation

Jay Pargne

Divorcing A Narcissist Book - End a destructive marriage protect yourself and your children and easily recover your healthy lifestyle

Layla Nora

The Family Court without a Lawyer - A Handbook for Litigants in Person

Lucy Reed

A Divorce-Proof Marriage - How to Build A Long Lasting Relationship Devoid of Divorce with Your Partner


Abortion in the United States - Judicial History and Legislative Battle

Various Authors

Divorcing a Narcissist - The Lure the Loss and the Law

Dr Supriya McKenna, Karin Walker

Matrimonial Property Act 1984 - Navigating Matrimonial Property Rights in South Africa: A Comprehensive Legal Guide for Couples and Lawyers

Parliament of South Africa

Georgia State Constitution — Constitution of 1976 - Unveiling the Evolution of Georgia's Government Structure

Georgia State Government

Impeachment of the President (Roh Moo-hyun) Case - An In-depth Analysis of Presidential Impeachment and Constitutional Checks in Korean Politics

Constitutional Court of Korea

Constitution of the Free State of Bavaria - Exploring the Legal Foundations of Bavaria

Bavarian State Parliament

The Story Behind the Verdict - A Legal Thriller of Truth Justice and Moral Dilemma

Frank Danby

The Divorce Recovery Handbook: How to Heal from Anger Hurt and Resentment and Build the Life You Want


Married Life

Timothy Shay Arthur

The ‘Secret’ Family Court - Fact or Fiction?

Clifford Bellamy

Legal Status of Women in Iowa - Unveiling Iowa's Legal Gender Equality Journey

Jennie L. Wilson

Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War - Legal Analysis of Neutrality in Historical Conflict

Robert Granville Campbell

Patent Laws of the Republic of Hawaii and Rules of Practice in the Patent Office - Navigating Patent Practices in Historical Hawaii


Georgia State Constitution — Constitution of 1983

Georgia State

The Constitution of Japan 1946


Maritime Labour Convention

Organization the International Labour

Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain (2002)

Bahrain Government of the Kingdom of