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Disruption Amplified - Reset Rewire Reimagine Everything

Abdullah Verachia

Land Speed Records

Liam McCann

Unleashing RC Adventures Land Sea And Air - Your Guide To Radio-Controlled Models And Their Thrilling Applications!

Owen Jones

Hybrid Cars - The Motive Power Behind The World’s Salvation?

Owen Jones

Lean Management Solutions for Contemporary Manufacturing Operations: Applications in the automotive industry

Gonzalo Taboada

The Smell of Kerosene - Pioneering Aviation and Space Exploration Odyssey

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Donald L. Mallick, Peter W. Merlin

Putnam's Automobile Handbook: The Care and Management of the Modern Motor-Car - Navigating the Evolution of Automobile Care and Culture

H. Clifford Brokaw, Charles A. Starr

Automotive Cybersecurity Engineering Handbook - The automotive engineer's roadmap to cyber-resilient vehicles

Dr. Ahmad MK Nasser

Illustrated Catalogue of Locomotives; Baldwin Locomotive Works - Exploring Vintage Locomotive Innovations and Railway History

Works Baldwin Locomotive

Motor-car principles; the gasoline automobile - Unlocking the Secrets of Gasoline-Powered Cars

Roger B. Whitman

The automobile owner's guide - Essential Tips for Automotive Care and Vehicle Ownership

Frank B. Scholl

BMW E30 - 3 Series Restoration Bible

Brendan Purcell

Cars And Auto Accessories - The Little Gadgets That Personalise Luxury

Owen Jones

Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct - Unveiling the Architectural Marvel: Aqueducts Art and Infrastructure in 19th Century New York

F. B. Tower

The Railway Conquest of the World - The Global Impact of Railway Expansion and Technological Advancements

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot

The Tunnel Under the Channel - Ingenious Ambitions Below the Channel: A Historical Fiction Journey

Thomas Whiteside

The Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons 1907 - Illustrated Directory

Motor The automotive business magazine

Description of the Process of Manufacturing Coal Gas - For the Lighting of Streets Houses and Public Buildings

Friedrich Christian Accum

Autonomous Vehicles - What Wikipedia Cannot Tell You About Autonomous Vehicles?

Fouad Sabry

An Account of the Harbour and Docks at Kingston-upon-Hull - Unveiling Hull's Maritime Legacy: A Historical Account of British Port Cities and Sea Trade

John Timperley

Two and a Motor - An Adventure of Mystery Romance and Suspense in a Bygone Era

Robert Barr

A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers - Revolutionary Ideas and Practical Applications in Electrical Engineering

Nikola Tesla

The Chief Engineer - Revolutionizing railways and engineering challenges in the Industrial Era

Henry Abbott

Mine Pumping in Agricola's Time and Later - Evolution of Mining Technology: A Scholarly Exploration

Robert P. Multhauf

Marvel Carbureter and Heat Control - As Used on Series 691 Nash Sixes Booklet S


Bridge Disasters in America: The Cause and the Remedy - Unveiling the Tragedies: Lessons from American Bridge Failures

George L. Vose

The Invention of the Track Circuit - Revolutionizing Railway Signaling: A Journey into Track Circuits

Association American Railway

The Road Builders - Forging Through Challenges: A Tale of Perseverance and Progress on the Road

Samuel Merwin

The Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning - Mastering Model Aeroplaning: A Comprehensive Guide to Building and Flying Model Planes

V. E. Johnson

Motor Transports in War - Revolutionizing Warfare: A Comprehensive Study of Motorized Transportation's Impact on Military Strategies and Operations

Horace Wyatt