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Water Birth and Sexuality - Our primeval connection to water and its use in labour and therapy

Michele Odent

Senescence the Last Half of Life

G. Stanley Hall

Viva la Vulva - Your guide to breaking free of vulvar pain

Dr. Christopher Jenner

The sexual life of woman in its physiological pathological and hygienic aspects - Exploring women's sexual health through history and science

E. Heinrich Kisch

Direct Microscopy in Gynecological Practice

Giovanni Miniello

Easy Colposcopy

Giovanni Miniello

The Province of Midwives in the Practice of their Art - Exploring the Evolution of Women's Healthcare Practices

William Clarke

A Text-book of Diseases of Women - Comprehensive Guide to Women's Health and Gynecology

Charles B. Penrose

Obstetrical Nursing - A Text-Book on the Nursing Care of the Expectant Mother the Woman in Labor the Young Mother and Her Baby

Carolyn Conant Van Blarcom

Surgical Experiences in South Africa 1899-1900 - Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre

George Henry Makins

The Wound Dresser - A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington during the War of the Rebellion

Walt Whitman

The Matron's Manual of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women During Pregnancy and in Childbed - A Comprehensive Guide to Women's Health in Childbirth

Frederick Hollick

Philosophy of Osteopathy - Revolutionary Insights into Holistic Healing & Healthcare Philosophy

A. T. Still