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The Arts

The Arts / Music / Theory of music & musicology

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Self learning Jazz Harmony

Patrick Kim

Principles of Orchestration

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

Manual on Music Form

Percy Goetschius

The Musical Myths and Facts (Vol 1&2)

Carl Engel

Principles of Orchestration with Musical Examples Drawn from His Own Works

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

You'll git dar in de mornin' - Exploring the Cultural Tapestry of African American Spirituals and Folk Music

Frank Lebby Stanton, H. T. Burleigh

A Syllabus of Kentucky Folk-Songs - Exploring the Musical Heritage of Kentucky

Hubert G. Shearin, Josiah Henry Combs

Annals of Music in America: A Chronological Record of Significant Musical Events - A Historical Journey Through American Musical Evolution

Henry Charles Lahee

Musical Instruments - Exploring the Evolution and Cultural Significance of Musical Instruments

Carl Engel

The Modes of Ancient Greek Music - Exploring Ancient Greek Musical Traditions with Scholarly Insight and Historical Significance

D. B. Monro

How to Write Music: Musical Orthography - Unlocking the Secrets of Musical Composition and Notation

Clement A. Harris

The World's Earliest Music - Uncovering the Musical Origins of Ancient Civilizations

Hermann Smith

Principles of Orchestration with Musical Examples Drawn from His Own Works - Mastering Orchestration: Insights from a Russian Maestro

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

Principles of Orchestration

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

Lessons in Music Form

Percy Goetschius

How to Write Music: Musical Orthography

Clement A. Harris

Music Notation and Terminology

Karl Wilson Gehrkens

Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works - For the Use of Teachers Players and Music Clubs

Edward Baxter Perry

A Complete History of Music for Schools Clubs and Private Reading

W. J. Baltzell

Essentials of Music Theory: Elementary

Carl E. Gardner

Principles of Orchestration with Musical Examples Drawn from His Own Works

Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov

Lessons in Music Form - A Manual of Analysis of All the Structural Factors and Designs Employed in Musical Composition

Percy Goetschius