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The Thompson-Houston System of Electric Lighting

H. T. Cory

The Meaning of Evolution

Samuel Christian Schmucker

A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas

Theodore H. Eaton, Peggy Lou Stewart

The Geological History of Plants

John William Dawson

Fossil Ice Crystals: An Instance of the Practical Value of "Pure Science"

Johan August Udden

The Geography of the Region about Devil's Lake and the Dalles of the Wisconsin - With Some Notes on Its Surface Geology

Wallace Walter Atwood, Rollin D. Salisbury

Outlines of the Earth's History: A Popular Study in Physiography

Nathaniel Southgate Shaler

The Preparation of Illustrations for Reports of the United States Geological Survey - With Brief Descriptions of Processes of Reproduction

John L. Ridgway

On Some Fossil Remains of Man

Thomas Henry Huxley

The Eruption of Vesuvius in 1872

Luigi Palmieri

Time and Tide - A Romance of the Moon

Robert S. Ball

A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments - Explanatory of Their Scientific Principles Method of Construction and Practical Utility

Enrico Angelo Lodovico Negretti, Joseph Zambra

Careers in Atomic Energy

Loyce J. McIlhenny

James Geikie the Man and the Geologist

Marion I. Newbigin, J. S. Flett

The Last Link: Our Present Knowledge of the Descent of Man

Ernst Haeckel

Illogical Geology the Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory

George McCready Price

Cloud Studies

Arthur William Clayden

The Origin of Vertebrates

Walter Holbrook Gaskell

Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms - Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence

Thomas Bassnett

The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology

J. E. Marr

The Autobiography of an Electron - Wherein the Scientific Ideas of the Present Time Are Explained in an Interesting and Novel Fashion

Charles R. Gibson

The Chain of Life in Geological Time - A Sketch of the Origin and Succession of Animals and Plants

John William Dawson

Popular scientific lectures

Ernst Mach

The Earliest Electromagnetic Instruments

Robert A. Chipman

The New Physics and Its Evolution

Lucien Poincaré

Some Salient Points in the Science of the Earth

John William Dawson

Meteorology; or Weather Explained

J. G. M'Pherson

Geology: The Science of the Earth's Crust

William J. Miller

Earthquakes and Other Earth Movements

John Milne

From the Earth to the Moon; and Round the Moon

Jules Verne