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Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders: Volume 4

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents: Volume 3

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Beneath The Waves - Exploring Marine Biology

Joseph Shaw

Practical Notions on Fish Health and Production

Manuela Oliveira, Joana Robalo, Fernando Bernardo

The Dynamic Human

Maciej Henneberg, Arthur Saniotis

Bioinformatics - Algorithms Coding Data Science And Biostatistics

Rob Botwright

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders: Volume 5

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance

Mihail Lucian Pascu

Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research: Volume 4

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman, Shazia Anjum

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Infectives: Volume 3

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: The Basics of Industrial Application

María Paz Arraiza, A. González-Coloma, C. Calderón-Guerrero

New Non-opioid Analgesics: Understanding Molecular Mechanisms on the Basis of Patch-clamp and Quantum-chemical Studies

Boris V. Krylov, Ilia V. Rogachevskii, Tatiana N. Shelykh

Toward the Future: The New Challenges of the Cell Therapy and Potential of Regenerative Medicine

Nicola Daniele, Francesco Zinno

Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research: Volume 7

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman, Shazia Anjum

Tropical Diseases: An Overview of Major Diseases Occurring in the Americas

Milena de Paiva Cavalcanti, Valéria Rêgo Alves Pereira, Alain Joseph Jacques Dessein

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Infectives: Volume 4

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders: Volume 6

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman

Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research: Volume 5

Atta-ur Atta-ur-Rahman, Shazia Anjum

Reproductive Biology Physiology and Biochemistry of Male Bats

Edith Arenas Ríos

Beyond the Twilightzone

Delphine Mestdagh

The Art and Science of Poisons

Olen R. Brown

Eco-Vanguard: The Fight For Planet Earth

Douglas Harrison

Evaluation of Cellular Processes by in vitro Assays

Taseen Gul, Ehtishamul Haq, Henah Mehraj Balkhi

The Cryptozoology of Cats - Feline Folktales Fables and Fauna

C. P. Marshall

Green Harmony: Balancing Ecology And Human Progress

Ethan Freeman

Prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life

Giovanni Occhipinti

In Our Nature - The Evolutionary Roots Of Human Behavior

Guy Elston

History of Science - Complete Edition

Henry Smith Williams, Edward Huntington Williams

The Geographical Distribution of Animals (Vol1&2) - With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface

Alfred Russel Wallace

Tesla's Legacy - Collected Works of the Visionary Inventor Who Changed the Future - 70+ Scientific Studies Lectures & Articles (With Letters & Autobiography)

Nikola Tesla