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Science & Technology

Mathematics & Science / Science: general issues / Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques

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Experiments on the Absence of Mechanical Connexion between Ether and Matter

Oliver Joseph Lodge

Evolution of the Thermometer

Henry Carrington Bolton

The Chemical History of a Candle - Scientific Lectures on the Chemistry and Physics of Flames

Michael Faraday

On Laboratory Arts

Richard Threlfall

Lecture on Artificial Flight - Given by request at the Academy of Natural Sciences

William G. Krueger

Synthesis of 2-methyl-4-selenoquinazolone 2-phenylbenzoselenazole and its derivatives

Yü-Gwan Chen

Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy: Particularly Including Chemistry

Joseph Priestley

The genetic and the operative evidence relating to secondary sexual characters

Thomas Hunt Morgan

Experiments upon magnesia alba Quicklime and some other Alcaline Substances

Joseph Black

Experiments and Observations on the Following Subjects

Thomas Henry

Conversations on Natural Philosophy in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained

Thomas P. Jones, Mrs. Marcet

The Science of Animal Locomotion (Zoopraxography) - An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements

Eadweard Muybridge

A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer

A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments - Explanatory of Their Scientific Principles Method of Construction and Practical Utility

Enrico Angelo Lodovico Negretti, Joseph Zambra

Rough Ways Made Smooth - A series of familiar essays on scientific subjects

Richard A. Proctor

A Preliminary Study of the Emotion of Love between the Sexes

Sanford Bell

Response in the Living and Non-Living

Jagadis Chandra Bose

The Introduction of Self-Registering Meteorological Instruments

Robert P. Multhauf

On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope - Fifteen and a half inches in aperture and its use in celestial photography

Henry Draper

Pyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High Temperatures

Charles R. Darling

Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air

Joseph Priestley

Popular Scientific Recreations in Natural Philosphy Astronomy Geology Chemistry etc etc etc

Gaston Tissandier

Experiments and Observations on Electricity Made at Philadelphia in America

Benjamin Franklin

Embryology: The Beginnings of Life

Gerald R. Leighton

The Fundamentals of Bacteriology

Charles Bradfield Morrey

Soap-Bubbles and the Forces Which Mould Them

C. V. Boys

The Mechanism of Life

Stéphane Leduc

Astronomical Instruments and Accessories

Company William Gaertner and

The Telescope

Louis Bell

Half-hours with the Telescope - Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a Means of Amusement and Instruction

Richard A. Proctor