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Records of a Family of Engineers - An Extraordinary Biographical Account by One of the World's Most Famous Lighthouse Builders

Robert Louis Stevenson

The Crucial Moment - 1911

Mary Noailles Murfree

The life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel Civil Engineer - Engineering the Future: The Legacy of a Visionary Civil Engineer

Isambard Brunel

The Mechanical Properties of Wood - Including a Discussion of the Factors Affecting the Mechanical Properties and Methods of Timber Testing

Samuel J. Record

Scientific Studies; or Practical in Contrast with Chimerical Pursuits - Practical Science & Victorian Ideals: A Critical Analysis

Henry Dircks

Instructions on Modern American Bridge Building - Mastering the Art of American Bridge Construction

G. B. N. Tower

How to Install Electric Bells Annunciators and Alarms - Master the Art of Electrical Installations and Enhance Your Security with Bells Alarms and Annunciators

Norman H. Schneider

Irrigation Works - The Principles on Which Their Design and Working Should Be Based with Special Details Relating to Indian Canals and Some Proposed Improvements

E. S. Bellasis

James B Eads - Unlocking the Legacy of an Engineering Visionary

Louis How

The Hallowell Partnership - Exploring Partnerships in a Changing Society

Katharine Holland Brown

Lightning Rod Conference - Exploring Innovation and Change Through Diverse Voices

Various Various

The Municipal and Sanitary Engineer's Handbook - A Comprehensive Guide to Urban Development and Public Health Engineering

H. Percy Boulnois

Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and Construction - A Comprehensive Guide to Sewage Disposal Systems and Wastewater Management

William Charles Easdale

The Evolution of Modern Band Saw Mills for Sawing Logs - From Traditional Methods to Advanced Technologies in Timber Processing

D. Clint Prescott

Lectures on Ventilation - Being a Course Delivered in the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia

Lewis W. Leeds

Bridge Disasters in America: The Cause and the Remedy - Unveiling the Tragedies: Lessons from American Bridge Failures

George L. Vose

In the Van; or The Builders - Ambition Betrayal and Redemption: A Victorian Tale of Love and Loss

John Price-Brown

Gas Burners Old and New - A historical and descriptive treatise on the progress of invention in gas lighting embracing an account of the theory of luminous combustion

Owen Merriman

The Future of Road-making in America - Paving the Way: A Comprehensive Look into America's Road-Making Evolution

Archer Butler Hulbert

Twentieth Century Inventions: A Forecast - A Literary Exploration of Historical Inventions and Futuristic Possibilities

George Sutherland

Great Western Railway Instructions - Exploring Railway Operations and Historical Context in 19th Century Britain

William Wylie Grierson

A Text-book of Paper-making - Exploring the Craft of Paper-Making: A Comprehensive Anthology

C. F. Cross, E. J. Bevan

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers vol LXX Dec 1910 - Reinforced Concrete Pier Construction

Eugene Klapp

Water Supply: the Present Practice of Sinking and Boring Wells - With Geological Considerations and Examples of Wells Executed

Ernest Spon

The Road Builders - Forging Through Challenges: A Tale of Perseverance and Progress on the Road

Samuel Merwin

The Engineering Contributions of Wendel Bollman - Revolutionizing Bridge Construction in the 19th Century

Robert M. Vogel

Handbook of Railroad Construction; For the use of American engineers - A Comprehensive Guide to American Railway Engineering

George L. Vose

Balloons Airships and Flying Machines - A Journey Through Aviation History

Gertrude Bacon

Protection from Fire and Thieves - Safeguarding Homes and Belongings: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Safety and Burglary Prevention

George Hayter Chubb

Gas and Oil Engines Simply Explained - An Elementary Instruction Book for Amateurs and Engine Attendants

Walter C. Runciman