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Invasive Plants - Guide to Identification and the Impacts and Control of Common North American Species

Sylvan Ramsey Kaufman, Wallace Kaufman

Identifying Trees of the West - An All-Season Guide to Western North America

Lois DeMarco, Jay Mengel

The Seaweed Revolution - How Seaweed Has Shaped Our Past and Can Save Our Future

Vincent Doumeizel

Field Study - Meditations on a Year at the Herbarium

Helen Humphreys

Churchyard Epiphany - A profusion of plants and herbs and their practical application throughout history

Leila White

Gardening for Geeks - All the Science You Need for Successful Organic Gardening

Christy Wilhelmi

A Quiet Tide

Marianne Lee

Madeira - A Botanical Melting Pot

Susanne Lipps

Radical Botany - Plants and Speculative Fiction

Antónia Szabari, Natania Meeker

The Scentual Garden - Exploring the World of Botanical Fragrance

Ken Druse

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: The Basics of Industrial Application

María Paz Arraiza, A. González-Coloma, C. Calderón-Guerrero

Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture

Edenilson Brandl

Botany: The Science of Plant Life

Norman Taylor

Best Non-Flammable Fire Resistant Grass Plant From Nature to Prevent Forest Wildfires

Jannah Firdaus Mediapro, Cyber Sakura Flower Labs

Sapiens and Homo Deus: The E-book Collection - by Yuval Noah Harari - A Comprehensive Summary

francis thomas

The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum - Or The Chemical Constituents of the Active Principle of the Ava Root

Alice A. Ball

On Behalf of Humanity I Apologize to All Plants!

Demi Yalcin

Tanaman Pepohonan Untuk Mengusir Dan Menghalau Serangan Hama Belalang (Grasshopper) Dari Lahan Pertanian Versi Bilingual

Jannah Firdaus Mediapro, Cyber Sakura Flower Labs

Field Book: Pennsylvanian Plant Fossils of Illinois

Romayne Skartvedt, Charles William Collinson

The Science of Life; or Animal and Vegetable Biology

J. H. Wythe

Histology of medicinal plants

William James Mansfield

Biological Analogies in History

Theodore Roosevelt

Brassica Vegetables - Growing Practices and Nutritional Information

Roby Jose Ciju

Bulb Crops for Home Gardens

Harshita Joshi

Nightshade Vegetables - Growing Practices and Food Uses

Agrihortico CPL

Advanced Hydroponics Technologies

Roby Jose Ciju

Nutrient-Rich Berries - Growing Practices and Food Uses

Agrihortico CPL

Banana Fruit - Growing Practices and Nutritional Information

Agrihortico CPL

Cranberry Lingonberry Huckleberry - Berries from Ericaceae Family

Agrihortico CPL

Amaranth Arugula and Portulaca

Agrihortico CPL