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Political ideologies

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A Year of Prophesying - A Visionary Exploration of Future Trends and Society Through Essays and Articles

H. G. Wells

Negroes and Negro "Slavery:" the first an inferior race: the latter its normal condition - Unveiling the Racial Hierarchy and Justifying Slavery in 19th-century America

John H. Van Evrie

1900; or The last President - A gripping journey through a political thriller of power and conspiracy in the early 20th century

Ingersoll Lockwood

Practicable Socialism New Series - Exploring the Realm of Socialism: A Collection of Progressive Ideologies and Social Justice Advocacy

S. A. Mrs. Barnett, S. A. Barnett

What's Wrong With The World

G. K. Chesterton

Verses Versus Empire - III—The Trump Era

A LeRoy

The Tragic Muse

Henry James

Socialism and Syndicalism - Exploring Socialist and Syndicalist Ideologies: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic and Political Organization

Philip Snowden

The Secret Empire - The Hidden Truth Behind the Power Elite and the Knights of the New World Order

Dan Desmarques

Technocracy - The New World Order of the Illuminati and The Battle Between Good and Evil

Dan Desmarques


Emma Goldman

A Modest Proposal

Jonathan Swift


Thomas Moore

The Conquest of Bread

Peter Kropotkin

The State and Revolution - A Revolutionary Analysis of State Society and True Socialism

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Patriotism and the Worker - Nationalism Labor Movements and Social Activism in Early 20th-Century Europe

Gustave Hervé

The Appetite of Tyranny - Exploring societal control through wit and paradox

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - Foundational document on Vietnamese socialism governance and rights

Vietnam National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of

Rome and Jerusalem: The Last National Question - Exploring Jewish Nationalism in 19th Century Literature

Moses Hess

To The Working People - Essays on Social Injustice and Industrialization in 19th Century Russia

Leo Tolstoy

An Appeal to the Young - Embracing Anarchist Ideals: A Call to Revolutionary Youth

Peter Kropotkin

The Civil War in France - Revolutionary insights on class struggle and social justice in 19th century France

Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx, Redhouse

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience - Resistance to Civil Government (Followed by ANARCHY by E Malatesta)

Henry David Thoreau, Errico Malatesta

The 1776 Report

Various Various, Dr. Robert C. Worstell

The 1776 Report Anthology

Various Various, Dr. Robert C. Worstell

What is Property?

P.-J. Proudhon

Why to admire Trump - A quick-to-read guide

Dahl Triumph

The Jewish State (Political Treatise)

Theodor Herzl

The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism - Study of Communism in Early Years

Bertrand Russell