Start Over Again Birthing a New You Meditations & Coaching sessions - getting back on track recovery rebuild your mind emotions body finances align with success confidence happiness joy love
Think ThinkAndBloom
Narrator Chantalia
Publisher: Living32
Do you feel like you want to start over your life again? Do you want to reinvent yourself and get back your life on track? This course is helping you to realign yourself to success love abundance miracles. So that you feel once again the confidence happiness love joy that you deserve Through our meditations and coaching sessions, we will help you to let go of the past emotional and mental patterns that are sabotaging you. We will reinvent a new identity a new journey of life. You will feel different vibrations after the course. Through the sessions, you willAlign your frequencies to miracles Rebuild the health of your emotions Have mental wellness Have a Successful mindset Birthing a new you Reinvent your future Get your life back on track And much more We will let go of the past and embrace your infinite possibilities. Your future is waiting for you. What are you waiting for?
Duration: about 8 hours (07:48:09) Publishing date: 2022-01-26; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —