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A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe - The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature Art and Science - cover

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A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe - The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature Art and Science

Michael S. Schneider

Publisher: Harper

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Discover how mathematical sequences abound in our natural world in this definitive exploration of the geography of the cosmos 
You need not be a philosopher or a botanist, and certainly not a mathematician, to enjoy the bounty of the world around us. But is there some sort of order, a pattern, to the things that we see in the sky, on the ground, at the beach? In A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, Michael Schneider, an education writer and computer consultant, combines science, philosophy, art, and common sense to reaffirm what the ancients observed: that a consistent language of geometric design underpins every level of the universe, from atoms to galaxies, cucumbers to cathedrals. Schneider also discusses numerical and geometric symbolism through the ages, and concepts such as periodic renewal and resonance. This book is an education in the world and everything we can't see within it. 
Contains numerous b&w photos and illustrations. 
Available since: 04/01/2015.

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