Siddhartha - An Indian Tale
Hermann Hesse
Translator Anke Dreher Gunther Olesch
Publisher: Glomarble
Siddhartha is a religious novel published in 1922 by Herman Hesse, who was deeply interested in Eastern thought.
Translator Anke Dreher Gunther Olesch
Publisher: Glomarble
Siddhartha is a religious novel published in 1922 by Herman Hesse, who was deeply interested in Eastern thought.
This book is intended to transform your tears to champagne. The author understands that tears are bitter and salty, but with a change of attitude and positive outlook on life one can change the bitter tears to champagne. In this book, I explore how finding your individuality can change your life from negative to positive and how you can stop depending on circumstances or other people to determine who you are or validate how you should look like and what you should do about your life. Learning from the past experiences is the wisdom to deal with future as some of those experiences likelihood can come back. As imperfect as we are as human beings, forgiveness is the best mechanism to deal with your past without forgetting what happened. Forgiveness begin with you by doing self introspection and look at your contribution to your predicaments and forgive yourself before forgiving others. I also realised that self love is in alignment with Law of Attraction when it comes to love and relationships. Love yourself exactly the way you would love someone else and the way you would expect them to love you. The more genuine love you apply to yourself, you will attract the same amount to yourself. Always strive towards finding your life purpose and avoid spending your time and resources on things that are no longer serving you good. Finally, in this book I also share how having gratitude on what you have and where you are in life quicken the manifestation of your heart desires.Show book
Anthony (251-356CE) lived in Egypt, and became one of the fathers of Christian desert monasticism. When he was about 18 years old, and having inherited a large fortune, he heard a sermon about Jesus challenging the rich young ruler to "go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me." (Matt 19:21) Antony immediately sold all he had, and went out into the desert to life a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. For the rest of his life, he fought demons, performed miracles, becoming a legend in his own long lifetime. (Summary by Matthew James Gray)Show book
A torrent's course does not depend on the water; it is latent in the mountain's topography. What controls a man's destiny?' 'There is no virtue without vice; just as there is no gold without impurity. Therefore, when one acquires a virtue, does he not acquire a vice too?' Such are the musings and reflections in 'The Landscape of a Mind'. In this profoundly introspective collection of thoughts, gathered in journal entries and correspondence with friends, Tohon questions the essence of human nature, the obscure workings of the human mind and the heart, and mulls over the meaning of good and evil, the implications of the self and ego, and the concepts of free will and choice, destiny and fate. A considerable amount of ground to cover, but Tohon's personalised and conversational tone, as well as his use of an approach that is very much rooted in the Eastern philosophies, makes this piece an enjoyable exchange of thoughts, ideas and beliefs between humanists and philosophers on a very much global level.Show book
Read Her exists to make the voices of godly women more accessible. Women throughout history have written inspiring and insightful books that glorify Christ, and it's time they are read! One way Read Her seeks to make these authors more accessible is by producing audiobooks available on all major audiobook distributors. "Overweights of Joy" written by Amy Carmichael is one of those works we want to bring back to the listening ear of the Christian community. "Overweights of Joy", is Amy Carmichael's follow up to her book "Things As They Are." It provides a vivid portrayal of her missionary work in India, and the joy in the work, even admist adversity. This collection of experiences serves not only as a historical account but also as a spiritual guidebook, offering insights and wisdom that resonate with anyone seeking to understand the essence of serving others through faith. Her eloquent prose and heartfelt stories draw readers into the very soul of her missionary journey, making "Overweights of Joy" a timeless testament to her life's work.Show book
Some lenders have put a temporary hold on foreclosures and state attorney generals have launched a joint investigation to sort out problems with questionable documents. Paul Solman gives details on the flawed paperwork as part of his ongoing series on making sense of financial news.Show book
Sarrasine is a novella written by Honoré de Balzac. It was published in 1830, and is part of his Human Comedy .Around midnight during a ball the narrator is sitting at a window, out of sight, admiring the garden. He overhears the conversations of passers-by regarding the origins of the wealth of the mansion's owner, Monsieur de Lanty. There is also the presence of an unknown old man around the house, whom the family was oddly devoted to, and who frightened and intrigued the partygoers. When the man sits next to the narrator's guest, Beatrix Rochefide, she touches him, and the narrator rushes her out of the room. The narrator says he knows who the man is and says he will tell her his story the next evening....Show book