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The Antichrist - cover

The Antichrist

Friedrich Nietzsche

Publisher: Ale.Mar.

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“The Antichrist” was written by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The reference to the antichrist is not meant to refer to the biblical antichrist, but rather to an attack on the “slave’s moral” and the apathy of Western Christianity. Nietzsche’s fundamental claim is that Christianity (as he saw in the West) is a poisoner of Western culture and the perversion of Jesus' words and practice. In this light, the provocative title expresses primarily the animus of Nietzsche towards Christianity, as such. In this book, Nietzsche is very critical of the institutionalized religion and its priestly class, from which he himself descends.
Available since: 05/19/2020.
Print length: 213 pages.

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