Their Baby Dragon - Dragons: Romantic Comedy
Annie Nicholas
Narrator BJ Harrison
Publisher: Green Mountain Publishing LLC
Welcome to New Port where shifters, witches, and vampires live openly next to humans working jobs, ordering take-out from the blood bank, and looking for love in all the wrong places. COUNT DOWN TO DRAGON BABY Eoin, Harbinger of Smoke and Darkness, and Angie, Angel Dragon of New Port, are very pleased to announce they are expecting the birth of their first child in the spring. The popular celebrity dragon couple cannot wait to meet their newest addition. They were recently spotted at the premiere shifter obstetrician’s office looking upset. Stay tuned for updates. Warning: DO NOT approach couple, take pictures, or trespass on their land uninvited. Trust this reporter’s advice comes from firsthand experience. URGENT UPDATE Dragons spotted in the sky, flying in the direction of our dragon couple's castle. Hide your valuables, your daughters, and take to watching the sky. This reporter is signing out and headed to find out more. Their Baby Dragon is the first book in the laugh out loud paranormal rom-com SPIN-OFF from Not This Series. If you like loving attractions, fast-paced action, and snarky humor, then you’ll love Annie Nicholas’s hilarious read.
Duration: about 8 hours (08:09:47) Publishing date: 2024-02-07; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —