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How to feel numbness apathy audio meditation course - learning how to feel connect with emotions find passion motivation live your life purpose disappointments breakthroughs be yourself

Shining Mind

Clear your mind calm your stress Grounding Audio Meditation Course - art of present body mind spirit restoration living in the moment worry anxiety free peace from within raise awareness

Shining Mind

Heal your menstrual cycle new moon & full moon audio meditation course - feminism connect to your female ancestors heal your emotions set goals release with moon cycle lunar living live magic

Shining Mind

Healing your Father wound Audio Meditation & Coaching Course - procrastination anger issues survival mode borderline abuses abandonment inability to act overthinking self judgement critical

Shining Mind

Stop compare yourself to others Be yourself Audio Meditation Course - you are enough deservedness live your values speak your truth art of saying no draw boundaries protect yourself love

Shining Mind

Cord Cutting Audio Meditation Healing Course - cleanse your aura entangle relationships cut narcissistic relationship Empaths tool kit balance aura toxic ties reclaim your power

Shining Mind

Healing Self Self hatred Audio Healing Meditation Course - ultimate self-love release self anger open to compassion journey to love love your imperfections overcome self defeat rising strong

Shining Mind

Uprooting shame & guilt audio meditation coaching course - inner child healing trauma release embrace who you are journey to love forgiveness free from the past breaking free self acceptance

Shining Mind

Dealing with peer pressure coaching sessions & meditations Be your true self - stop caring what others' thinking be authentic owe your power you are enough no more shame daring to be you

Shining Mind

Ultimate coaching for fears worries & anxieties Coaching Sessions Hypnosis & meditations - release toxic thought break free chronic anxiety receive abundance attract miracles fear of change

Shining Mind

Raise your manifestation power Coaching Sessions & Meditations - quantum healing law of attraction ask and it is given effortless mastery power of one manifest miracles create your destiny

Shining Mind

Heal your mother wound meditation & coaching course - ancestral feminine power goddess energy parent yourself abandonment emotional neglect raise self worth self esteem self nurturance guidance

Shining Mind

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents Coaching & Meditation Audio Course - ultimate self-care recovery set boundary heal from the past guilt shame hurt pain narcissistic abuse self parent

Shining Mind

Affirmations on getting rid of bad habits - atomic habits positive change conquer yourself move out of comfort zone break the cycle transform your mind building trust willpower lasting change

Shining Mind

7 days Self-Love Coaching & Meditation Course - radical self acceptance cultivate self worth self compassion rewrite your past deep unconditional love ultimate freedom transform your life release anger cord cutting

Shining Mind

Healing Childhood Trauma Deep transformation & Meditations - childhood neglect abandonment safety powerlessness reclaim joy creativity love happiness deep integration get your needs met

Shining Mind