Shade of Vampire 14 A: A Dawn of Strength
Bella Forrest
Shade of Vampire 15 A: A Fall of Secrets
Bella Forrest
Shade of Vampire 10 A: A Spell of Time
Bella Forrest
Shade of Vampire 11 A: A Chase of Prey
Bella Forrest
Shade of Vampire 12 A: A Shade of Doubt
Bella Forrest
A Spell of Time
Bella Forrest
A Fall of Secrets
Bella Forrest
A Chase of Prey
Bella Forrest
A Shade of Doubt
Bella Forrest
A Dawn of Strength
Bella Forrest
A Shade of Novak
Bella Forrest
A Bond of Blood
Bella Forrest
A Gate of Night
Bella Forrest
A Blaze of Sun
Bella Forrest