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I Love You Stinky Face - cover

I Love You Stinky Face

Lisa McCourt

Narrator Kirsten Krohn

Publisher: Scholastic

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A vividly illustrated bedtime story that shows how the unconditional love of a mother can be tested through the relentless questions of her little boy."But Mama, but Mama, what if I were a super smelly skunk, and I smelled so bad that my name was Stinky Face?"Mothers love their children and this unconditional love is truly tested in I LOVE YOU, STINKY FACE.  Lisa McCourt and Cyd Moore beautifully weave a reassuring tale of the love and affection of a parent.  The imaginative son turns himself into a meat-eating dinosaur, a swamp creature and much, much more before being satisfied with the fact that no matter how stinky he is or how slimy of a creature he could possibly be, he is loved and nothing will change that.
Duration: 6 minutes (00:05:35)
Publishing date: 2009-01-01; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2009. Copyright Statment: —