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Love Cares - Encouraging Words and Stories from an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Love Cares - Encouraging Words and Stories from an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

Charles Towne

Good News of Great Joy - 25 Devotional Readings for Advent

Good News of Great Joy - 25 Devotional Readings for Advent

John Piper

We the Fallen People - The Founders and the Future of American Democracy

We the Fallen People - The Founders and the Future of American Democracy

Robert Tracy McKenzie

Empowered by Praise

Empowered by Praise

Michael Youssef

Future Glory - Living in the Hope of the Rapture Heaven and Eternity

Future Glory - Living in the Hope of the Rapture Heaven and Eternity

Ed Hindson

The Last Sovereigns - Sitting Bull & The Resistance of the Free Lakotas

The Last Sovereigns - Sitting Bull & The Resistance of the Free Lakotas

Robert M. Utley

Transforming Worship - Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered

Transforming Worship - Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered

Rory Noland, Ruth Haley Barton

Theodore Roosevelt - Preaching from the Bully Pulpit (Spiritual Lives)

Theodore Roosevelt - Preaching from the Bully Pulpit (Spiritual Lives)

Benjamin J. Wetzel

Thriving with Stone-Age Minds - Evolutionary Psychology Christian Faith and the Quest for Human Flourishing

Thriving with Stone-Age Minds - Evolutionary Psychology Christian Faith and the Quest for Human Flourishing

Justin L. Barrett, Pamela Ebstyne King

Deacons - How They Serve and Strengthen the Church

Deacons - How They Serve and Strengthen the Church

Matt Smethurst

Views from the Spectrum - A Window into Life and Faith with Your Neurodivergent Child

Views from the Spectrum - A Window into Life and Faith with Your Neurodivergent Child

Ron Sandison, Darold A. Treffert MD

Gospel Treason - Betraying the Gospel With Hidden Idols

Gospel Treason - Betraying the Gospel With Hidden Idols

Brad Bigney

At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry

At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry

Steve Gallagher

The Temple and the Tabernacle - A Study of God's Dwelling Places from Genesis to Revelation

The Temple and the Tabernacle - A Study of God's Dwelling Places from Genesis to Revelation

J. Daniel Hays

Things Worth Dying For - Thoughts on a Life Worth Living

Things Worth Dying For - Thoughts on a Life Worth Living

Charles J. Chaput

Lincolnomics - How President Lincoln Constructed the Great American Economy

Lincolnomics - How President Lincoln Constructed the Great American Economy

John F. Wasik

The Parables - Jesus's Friendly Subversive Speech

The Parables - Jesus's Friendly Subversive Speech

Douglas Webster

The Ever-Changing Past - Why All History is Revisionist History

The Ever-Changing Past - Why All History is Revisionist History

James M. Banner Jr

The Dictatorship of Woke Capital - How Political Correctness Captured Big Business

The Dictatorship of Woke Capital - How Political Correctness Captured Big Business

Stephen R. Soukup

Why the Universe Is the Way It Is (Reasons to Believe)

Why the Universe Is the Way It Is (Reasons to Believe)

Hugh Ross

China - The Bubble that Never Pops

China - The Bubble that Never Pops

Thomas Orlik

Growing in Holiness - Understanding God's Role and Yours

Growing in Holiness - Understanding God's Role and Yours

R. C. Sproul

The Crooked Path to Abolition - Abraham Lincoln and the Antislavery Constitution

The Crooked Path to Abolition - Abraham Lincoln and the Antislavery Constitution

James Oakes

Engaging with Mormons - Understanding Their World; Sharing Good News

Engaging with Mormons - Understanding Their World; Sharing Good News

Corey Miller

The Emotion Solution - Change Your Consciousness Change Everything

The Emotion Solution - Change Your Consciousness Change Everything

Fred Carlisle

Zero - The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

Zero - The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

Charles Seife

Evolution of Adam - What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins

Evolution of Adam - What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say about Human Origins

Peter Enns

From the Sea to the C-Suite - Lessons Learned from the Bridge to the Corner Office

From the Sea to the C-Suite - Lessons Learned from the Bridge to the Corner Office

Cutler Dawson, Taylor Baldwin Kiland, Vice Adm. John A. Lockard USN (Ret.)

Wisdom from Babylon - Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age

Wisdom from Babylon - Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age

Gordon T. Smith

Reconstruction - A Very Short Introduction

Reconstruction - A Very Short Introduction

Allen C. Guelzo