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Maison d'édition: Free Press

Free Press

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Une marque éditoriale de: Simon & Schuster

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Everything Trump Touches Dies - A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever

Everything Trump Touches Dies - A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever

Rick Wilson

When the Center Held - Gerald Ford and the Rescue of the American Presidency

When the Center Held - Gerald Ford and the Rescue of the American Presidency

Donald Rumsfeld

When Someone You Love Is Depressed

When Someone You Love Is Depressed

Laura Epstein Rosen, Xavier Francisco Amador

Boltzmann's Atom - The Great Debate That Launched a Revolution in Physics

Boltzmann's Atom - The Great Debate That Launched a Revolution in Physics

David Lindley

Solitude: A Return to the Self

Solitude: A Return to the Self

Anthony Storr

The Division of Labor in Society

The Division of Labor in Society

Emile Durkheim

Vietnam - The Necessary War

Vietnam - The Necessary War

Michael Lind

The Left-Hander Syndrome - The Causes & Consequences of Left-Handedness

The Left-Hander Syndrome - The Causes & Consequences of Left-Handedness

Stanley Coren

Denying the Holocaust - The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory

Denying the Holocaust - The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory

Deborah Lipstadt

A Vanished World - Medieval Spain's Golden Age of Enlightenment

A Vanished World - Medieval Spain's Golden Age of Enlightenment

Christopher Lowney

Bull by the Horns - Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself

Bull by the Horns - Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself

Sheila Bair

The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging

The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging

Mike Moreno

A Case for Solomon - Bobby Dunbar and the Kidnapping That Haunted a Nation

A Case for Solomon - Bobby Dunbar and the Kidnapping That Haunted a Nation

Tal McThenia, Margaret Dunbar Cutright

Resilience - Why Things Bounce Back

Resilience - Why Things Bounce Back

Andrew Zolli, Ann Marie Healy

Some Kind of Peace - A Novel

Some Kind of Peace - A Novel

Camilla Grebe, Åsa Träff

Can't Buy My Love - How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel

Can't Buy My Love - How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel

Jean Kilbourne

Great Projects - The Epic Story of the Building of America from the Taming of the Mississippi to the Invention of the Internet

Great Projects - The Epic Story of the Building of America from the Taming of the Mississippi to the Invention of the Internet

James Tobin

Five Points - The 19th-Century New York City Neighborhood That Invented Tap Dance Stole Elections and Became the World's Most Notorious Slum

Five Points - The 19th-Century New York City Neighborhood That Invented Tap Dance Stole Elections and Became the World's Most Notorious Slum

Tyler Anbinder

The Charge - Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive

The Charge - Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive

Brendon Burchard

Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

David Talbot

The Woman Who Changed Her Brain

The Woman Who Changed Her Brain

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

Bad Religion - How We Became a Nation of Heretics

Bad Religion - How We Became a Nation of Heretics

Ross Douthat

Abundance - The Future Is Better Than You Think

Abundance - The Future Is Better Than You Think

Steven Kotler, Peter H. Diamandis

Sundays Will Never Be the Same - Racing Tragedy and Redemption--My Life in America's Fastest Sport

Sundays Will Never Be the Same - Racing Tragedy and Redemption--My Life in America's Fastest Sport

Nate Larkin, Darrell Waltrip

The Nurture Assumption - Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do

The Nurture Assumption - Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do

Judith Rich Harris

Sybil Exposed - The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case

Sybil Exposed - The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case

Debbie Nathan

A Thousand Lives - The Untold Story of Jonestown

A Thousand Lives - The Untold Story of Jonestown

Julia Scheeres

Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? - The Surprising Science of Pregnancy

Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies? - The Surprising Science of Pregnancy

Jena Pincott

About Time - Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang

About Time - Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang

Adam Frank

The New Deal - A Modern History

The New Deal - A Modern History

Michael Hiltzik