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ICON By ArtTour International - Elisabeth Daunelius - cover

ICON By ArtTour International - Elisabeth Daunelius

Viviana Puello, Alan Grimandi, Inc ArtTour International Publication

Verlag: ATIM TOP 60 MASTERS by ArtTour Internaitonal Magazine

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ICON By ArtTour International Presents Elisabeth Daunelius.
Daunelius strives for balance between form and color in each of her pieces.She carefully considers the shapes and forms she includes in the compositionand how they interact with each other. As a result, each painting is adynamic entity, as the viewer can feel the movement of each brush strokeand the thoughtful consideration behind it—her commitment to craftsmanship andher creative vision results in stunningly unique pieces of art.
Verfügbar seit: 20.10.2023.
Drucklänge: 10 Seiten.

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