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Taboo Daddies Bundle - cover

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Taboo Daddies Bundle


Verlag: Boruma Publishing

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Three short stories of horny daddies having their way with their barely-legal daughters.

Daddy’s Baby Fever — Alexis unwittingly agreed to have her father’s baby. It’s too late to take it back and Dad is very good at convincing her to follow through.

Daddy’s Sex Ed — Dad is giving Jocelyn a hands-on education in the sexual arts. He won’t be satisfied with her progress until she enjoys their sessions as much as he does.

Daddy’s Little Sidepiece — Mikala was only playing the part of Dad’s lover as a joke. She didn’t expect him to make an honest woman out of her.

Adults ONLY! 18+!

This bundle includes depictions of oral, barely-legal breeding sex, bondage, bareback creampie sex, and plenty of daddy-daughter unprotected hard-pounding loving.

~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~

Alexis snagged two more strips of bacon, adding them to the four she already had, and scooped an extra-large helping of fried apples onto her plate.

“Put some of that back,” Mom snapped. “Your ass is too big as it is. That’s why you can’t get a man.”

“I haven’t been trying. And men like women with a big butt,” Alexis mumbled.

“There’s big and then there’s fat, which is what you have. A big fat sloppy ass and it’s only going to get wider with you eating like that. You need to exercise. All you do is sit in front of your computer and let your ass spread. It’s a wonder you can fit in your chair.”

This wasn’t anything Alexis hadn’t heard before. Her pear-shaped body had been the focus of her mother’s attacks since Alexis hit puberty. She had a slim waist and boobs plenty enough to fill a man’s hands, but her hips, ass, and thighs were thick and round, and the reason she hated shopping for pants. But she put herself through it because her mother’s attacks got worse if Alexis tried to wear a skirt or a dress, saying she resembled a brown whale in a muumuu or a circus tent.

“Leave her alone, Lori.” Dad entered the kitchen and walked over to Alexis. “If you didn’t want her to eat, you shouldn’t have made so much food.” He picked up the plate and held it out to her. When she hesitated, he nodded with a wink.

Alexis gave him a wobbly smile and took the plate.

Dad started fixing his own plate. “I know you didn’t make all this food for me.  And you barely eat any of it. So it’s either Alexis eats it or we throw it out.”

“Or we save it for another day because I’m not going to be cooking every morning like this. Just because I made a lot doesn’t mean she has to try and eat it all.” Mom shook her head with a roll of her eyes. “You need to stop spoiling her. You’re the reason she’s as big as she is, giving her cakes and candy all the time.”

“Alexis, when’s the last time I gave you cake or candy?”

“Not since I was thirteen, Daddy.” Alexis regretted opening her mouth the moment her mother glared at her. She rushed to the dining room table to get out of the line of fire.

Dad said, “You cook like we’ve got three other people in this house. Is this your way of telling me you want another baby?”

“Like hell!” Mom gave a derisive laugh. “We can’t even get this one out the door. Why in hell would I want to start all over with another one?”

Alexis heaved a soft sigh and stared at her food, no longer hungry. If she had known her mother’s attitude toward her would get worse, she would have taken the scholarship for the out-of-state college instead of trying to save money by attending the college near home.

Dad came into the dining room and set his plate down before he rubbed the top of her head, smiling when she looked up with him. His brown eyes sparkled with love. “Eat,” he said in a soft voice. “You look fine and you’re not fat.”

She whispered, “Thanks, Daddy.”
Verfügbar seit: 24.05.2016.

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