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From The Bronx To Wall Street - My Fifty Years in Finance and Philanthropy - cover

From The Bronx To Wall Street - My Fifty Years in Finance and Philanthropy

Leon Cooperman

Verlag: Advantage Media Group

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Hedge fund manager and former colleague Doug Kass describes Leon Cooperman as an “estimable humanitarian” who’s been “seasoned with a pinch of Horatio Alger and a heaping spoonful of justified self-confidence.” Indeed, this is certainly the flavor that comes through in Mr. Cooperman’s timely memoir, From the Bronx to Wall Street: My Fifty Years in Finance and Philanthropy. In this era of Warren Buffett’s “Giving Pledge,” Mr. Cooperman and his wife, Toby, have become two of the country’s most prominent supporters of hospitals, scholarships, colleges, libraries, and other vital programs and institutions. In these pages, Mr. Cooperman not only recounts fascinating details from his long career at Goldman Sachs and his hedge fund, Omega Advisors, but also speaks movingly, and with great insight, about the meaning of wealth and the moral responsibilities that come with it.
Verfügbar seit: 18.07.2023.
Drucklänge: 212 Seiten.

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