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Top 10 Short Stories The - The 20th Century - The Ghost Story - The ten best ghost stories written in the 20th century

Top 10 Short Stories The - The 20th Century - The Ghost Story - The ten best ghost stories written in the 20th century

Rudyard Kipling, Edith Nesbit, D H Lawrence, Algernon Blackwood, Edith Wharton, Bram Stoker, M R James, W Jacobs, Perceval Landon, William Hope Hodgson

Top 10 Short Stories The - English Gothic - The ten best gothic short stories of all time by English authors

Top 10 Short Stories The - English Gothic - The ten best gothic short stories of all time by English authors

M R James, Charles Dickens, Marjorie Bowen, Rudyard Kipling, Saki Saki, Edith Nesbit, W Jacobs, Perceval Landon, E F Benson, Algernon Blackwood

Top 10 Short Stories The - Gothic - The top ten short gothic stories of all time

Top 10 Short Stories The - Gothic - The top ten short gothic stories of all time

Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, Amelia Edwards, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, John William Polidori, M R James, Perceval Landon, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Washington Irving

Top 10 Short Stories The - Oxford Graduates - The top ten short stories of all time written by authors that went to Oxford

Top 10 Short Stories The - Oxford Graduates - The top ten short stories of all time written by authors that went to Oxford

Oscar Wilde, Anthony Trollope, Anthony Hope, Arthur Quiller-Couch, D K Broster, Lewis Carroll, Perceval Landon, Radclyffe Hall, Richard Harris Barham, W F Harvey

Top 10 Short Stories The - The Edwardian Ghost Story - The top ten Ghost Stories of the Edwardian era

Top 10 Short Stories The - The Edwardian Ghost Story - The top ten Ghost Stories of the Edwardian era

Oscar Wilde, William Hope Hodgson, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Conan Doyle, Barry Pain, Bram Stoker, E F Benson, M R James, Perceval Landon, W Jacbos

Top 10 Short Stories The - Victorian Ghost - The top ten Victorian ghost short stories of all time

Top 10 Short Stories The - Victorian Ghost - The top ten Victorian ghost short stories of all time

Sheridan Le Fanu, Amelia Edwards, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, M R James, Oscar Wilde, Perceval Landon, Robert Louis Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Wilkie Collins

Thurnley Abbey - A Victorian Ghost Story

Thurnley Abbey - A Victorian Ghost Story

Perceval Landon