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Stronghand; or The Noble Revenge - A Tale of Vengeance in the Wild West

Stronghand; or The Noble Revenge - A Tale of Vengeance in the Wild West

Gustave Aimard

Last of the Incas - A Romance of the Pampas

Last of the Incas - A Romance of the Pampas

Gustave Aimard

The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert - A Legendary Quest Through the Indian Desert

The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert - A Legendary Quest Through the Indian Desert

Gustave Aimard

The Rebel Chief: A Tale of Guerilla Life - A Tale of Rebellion Betrayal and Freedom: The Dangerous World of Guerilla Warfare

The Rebel Chief: A Tale of Guerilla Life - A Tale of Rebellion Betrayal and Freedom: The Dangerous World of Guerilla Warfare

Gustave Aimard

The Red Track - A Story of Social Life in Mexico

The Red Track - A Story of Social Life in Mexico

Gustave Aimard

The Trapper's Daughter - A Story of the Rocky Mountains

The Trapper's Daughter - A Story of the Rocky Mountains

Gustave Aimard

The Prairie Flower: A Tale of the Indian Border - A Thrilling Journey Through the Wild West: Cultural Clashes and Frontier Adventures

The Prairie Flower: A Tale of the Indian Border - A Thrilling Journey Through the Wild West: Cultural Clashes and Frontier Adventures

Gustave Aimard

The Gold-Seekers: A Tale of California - Journey to the Wild California Gold Fields

The Gold-Seekers: A Tale of California - Journey to the Wild California Gold Fields

Gustave Aimard

The Indian Scout - A Story of the Aztec City

The Indian Scout - A Story of the Aztec City

Gustave Aimard

The Smuggler Chief - A Novel

The Smuggler Chief - A Novel

Gustave Aimard

The Trappers of Arkansas; or The Loyal Heart - Frontier Adventures: Loyalty Survival and Clash of Civilizations in the American Wilderness

The Trappers of Arkansas; or The Loyal Heart - Frontier Adventures: Loyalty Survival and Clash of Civilizations in the American Wilderness

Gustave Aimard

The Bee Hunters: A Tale of Adventure - An Action-Packed Journey Through the Wild West Frontier

The Bee Hunters: A Tale of Adventure - An Action-Packed Journey Through the Wild West Frontier

Gustave Aimard

The Treasure of Pearls - A Romance of Adventures in California

The Treasure of Pearls - A Romance of Adventures in California

Gustave Aimard

The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert - Bandits and Outlaws: A Wild West Adventure

The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert - Bandits and Outlaws: A Wild West Adventure

Gustave Aimard

The Rebel Chief: A Tale of Guerilla Life

The Rebel Chief: A Tale of Guerilla Life

Gustave Aimard

The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert

The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert

Gustave Aimard