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That Untravelled World - The autobiography of a pioneering mountaineer and explorer

That Untravelled World - The autobiography of a pioneering mountaineer and explorer

Eric Shipton

Land of Tempest - Travels in Patagonia: 1958-1962

Land of Tempest - Travels in Patagonia: 1958-1962

Eric Shipton

Upon that Mountain - The first autobiography of the legendary mountaineer Eric Shipton

Upon that Mountain - The first autobiography of the legendary mountaineer Eric Shipton

Eric Shipton

Mountains of Tartary - Mountaineering and exploration in northern and central Asia in the 1950s

Mountains of Tartary - Mountaineering and exploration in northern and central Asia in the 1950s

Eric Shipton

Blank on the Map - Pioneering exploration in the Shaksgam valley and Karakoram mountains

Blank on the Map - Pioneering exploration in the Shaksgam valley and Karakoram mountains

Eric Shipton

Nanda Devi - Nanda Davi Exploration and Ascent Book 1

Nanda Devi - Nanda Davi Exploration and Ascent Book 1

Eric Shipton

Everest 1951 - The Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition

Everest 1951 - The Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition

Eric Shipton