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The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

Eliza Frances Andrews

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

Eliza Frances Andrews

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

Eliza Frances Andrews

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl

Eliza Frances Andrews

The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl 1864-1865

The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl 1864-1865

Eliza Frances Andrews

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl (Illustrated Edition) - Civil War Memories Series

Eliza Frances Andrews