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Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail - The Diary of a Country Vet - The Diary of a Country Vet Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail is the funny illuminating diary of a year in the life of a New Zealand farm vet

Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail - The Diary of a Country Vet - The Diary of a Country Vet Two Shakes of a Lamb's Tail is the funny illuminating diary of a year in the life of a New Zealand farm vet

Danielle Hawkins

The Pretty Delicious Cafe - Hungry for summer romance friends and food? Come visit Ratai Beach

The Pretty Delicious Cafe - Hungry for summer romance friends and food? Come visit Ratai Beach

Danielle Hawkins

The Pretty Delicious Cafe

The Pretty Delicious Cafe

Danielle Hawkins