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il glifo ebooks

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Walter Benjamin e la musica

Tamara Tagliacozzo

Del dire e fare parole La competenza lessicale a scuola

Enrica Rivello

L'editoria italiana tra industria e cultura - Il caso degli editori indipendenti

Elisa Quattrini

Un canto un corpo Teorie romantiche della musica

Silvia Vizzardelli

End and Clash - Il contributo di F Fukuyama e S P Huntington alla riflessione politica contemporanea

Mara Fornari

Rappresentazioni dell’Islam arabo tra Oriente e Occidente

Mara Fornari

StartEbook: impara a utilizzare l'ebook

Isabella Longobardi

Le origini del debito pubblico greco

Andreas Andreadis

Il problema dell'estetica: ricognizione ragionata e ragionevole

Alberto Palazzi

Parole & Media

Lorenzo Denicolai

Horror soundtrack La musica e il cinema horror

Andrea Barone

Governare l'America

Claudio Lodici

Simbolo e arte in Hegel

Paolo D'Angelo

La caduta del khanato siberiano nella cronachistica russa della prima metà del XVII secolo

Claudio Napoli

Le requisizioni di Giorgio La Pira Analisi storico-giuridica

Ugo Di Tullio

Philosophy and the Physicists

Philosophy and the Physicists

L. Susan Stebbing

Pragmatism and French Voluntarism - with Especial Reference to the Notion of Truth in the Development of French Philosophy from Maine de Biran to Professor Bergson

Pragmatism and French Voluntarism - with Especial Reference to the Notion of Truth in the Development of French Philosophy from Maine de Biran to Professor Bergson

L. Susan Stebbing

Science at the Crossroads - A Rational Scrutiny of the Clock Paradox in Einstein’s Relativity

Science at the Crossroads - A Rational Scrutiny of the Clock Paradox in Einstein’s Relativity

Herbert Dingle

Society in the First World War - The Pre-War Mind in Britain Society at War 1914-1916 Britain Holds On 1917 1918 The Neuroses of the Nations

Society in the First World War - The Pre-War Mind in Britain Society at War 1914-1916 Britain Holds On 1917 1918 The Neuroses of the Nations

Caroline Playne

Relativity from Lorentz to Einstein - A Guide for Beginners Perplexed and Experimental Scientists

Relativity from Lorentz to Einstein - A Guide for Beginners Perplexed and Experimental Scientists

Alberto Palazzi

Workforce Planning and Scheduling Automated Staff Shifts Management and Rostering

Workforce Planning and Scheduling Automated Staff Shifts Management and Rostering

Isabella Longobardi

The Origins of the Greek Public Debt

The Origins of the Greek Public Debt

Andreas Andreadis

Yashka My Life as Peasant Officer and Exile

Yashka My Life as Peasant Officer and Exile

Maria Botchkareva