Fall: Scheherazade Retold
Demelza Carlton
Narratore Mary Sarah
Casa editrice: Lost Plot Press
Dragon vs fairy godmother - who will win? When young fairy godmother Zoraida finds herself fighting a losing battle with a dragon to save her godson, she's forced to use her magic to flee. Only to find herself in the middle of a freezing blizzard. Rescued by a traveller, she faces a new challenge: can they survive the storm to see Christmas morning? Romance a Medieval Fairytale series: Each book is a standalone, so they can be read in any order: Enchant: Beauty and the Beast Retold Dance: Cinderella Retold Fly: Goose Girl Retold Revel: Twelve Dancing Princesses Retold Silence: Little Mermaid Retold Awaken: Sleeping Beauty Retold Embellish: Brave Little Tailor Retold Appease: Princess and the Pea Retold Blow: Three Little Pigs Retold Return: Hansel and Gretel Retold Wish: Aladdin Retold Melt: Snow Queen Retold Spin: Rumpelstiltskin Retold Kiss: Frog Prince Retold Hunt: Red Riding Hood Retold Reflect: Snow White Retold Roar: Goldilocks Retold Cobble: Elves and the Shoemaker Retold Float: Enchanted Horse Retold Steal: Forty Thieves Retold Call: Pied Piper Retold
Durata: 42 minuti (00:41:52) Data di pubblicazione: 31/10/2020; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —