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Quiet Leader Loud Results - How Quiet Leaders Drive Outcomes that Speak for Themselves - cover

Quiet Leader Loud Results - How Quiet Leaders Drive Outcomes that Speak for Themselves

Ankit Mahadevia

Narratore Will Tulin

Casa editrice: Ascent Audio

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Rather than asking aspiring quiet leaders to "fake it" or pretend to be something they aren't, Quiet Leader, Loud Results provides real-world tested suggestions, advice, and strategies that will help listeners become dynamic leaders on their own terms and drive outcomes in their organizations. This book shares real stories from quiet leaders who have navigated the difficulties of having a quieter personality, succeeding both for themselves and their organizations.In this book, you'll learn more about the unique strengths introverts and other quiet personalities can bring to leadership; how quiet leaders can bring their own style to the core skills of leadership: setting strategy, executing your strategy, connecting with your collaborators, and building a following for your mission; practical advice from quiet leaders who have been there and who have managed to lead successfully while still being true to themselves; and specific steps that aspiring leaders can take to put these lessons into practice.In an increasingly complex and chaotic world where leaders are in short supply, people of all personality types are needed to lead. Through stories, practical suggestions, and real-world strategies, the book will help quiet leaders make their results speak louder than they do—while employing a style that's true to who they are.
Durata: circa 4 ore (04:25:52)
Data di pubblicazione: 13/09/2022; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2022. Copyright Statment: —