Great Literature with Female Signature

Great Literature with Female Signature

Female writers that are worth reading in a literary panorama dominated by men.

We are dedicating this selection to a few exceptional women who deserve recognition in a literary landscape that remains male-dominated. We pay tribute to celebrated female pioneers in the field of literature who paved the way for women in writing, as well as to lesser known writers who are not afraid to explore complex themes. Writers who cannot be easily categorized, and whose extraordinary talent we predict will lead them to a bright future – or whose work should have received greater recognition during their lifetime.

In short, three female writers who are worth reading and who you can find on 24symbols:

Anna Fitzpatrick

An astonishing new voice among American writers, the Canadian Anna Fitzpatrick does not hold back. Her prose is brutally honest and provocative, funny and erotic at the same time. In her debut novel GOOD GIRL she offers a smart, daring and absolutely hilarious take on being a young woman in a sex-positive society. Definitively a writer to look out for!

Female writers - Good Girl by Anna Fitzpatrick

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Willa Cather

Willa Cather (1873-1947) was born in Virginia and raised on the Nebraska prairie. She worked as a newspaper writer, teacher and editor and was in a relationship with another editor, Edith Lewis. Her book SONG OF THE LARK tells the story of Thea, a young woman who wants to escape from the narrow-mindedness of her rural hometown and goes to Chicago to become a successful singer. With Thea’s triumph, Cather is surely celebrating her own accomplishments. Many say that if Cather had lived in other times, her work would have reflected her sexuality and her commitment for gender equality to a much greater extent.

Female Writers - Read The Song of a Lark by Willa Cather

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Asja Bakić

In MARS, the Bosnian poet and writer Asja Bakić creates dystopian worlds with female protagonists who are faced with bizarre situations they cannot control. Each of the stories is disturbing and original, Bakić clearly knows how to convey feminist concerns without sounding patronizing. Instead, she takes the absurdities of female experiences one step further and embeds them in a surreal narrative. That is not only fun but extremely beautiful to read.

Read Mars by Asja Bakic

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Of course we are aware that this is just a small selection and many other female writers are worth mentioning. Check out more books written by noteworthy women in our digital bookshelf GREAT LITERATURE WITH FEMALE SIGNATURE and let us know which other female writers you like to read.