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The Bayou Strangler - Louisiana's Most Gruesome Serial Killer

The Bayou Strangler - Louisiana's Most Gruesome Serial Killer

Fred Rosen

Did They Really Do It? - From Lizzie Borden to the 20th Hijacker

Did They Really Do It? - From Lizzie Borden to the 20th Hijacker

Fred Rosen

Gold! - The Story of the 1848 Gold Rush and How It Shaped a Nation

Gold! - The Story of the 1848 Gold Rush and How It Shaped a Nation

Fred Rosen

Needle Work - Battery Acid Heroin and Double Murder

Needle Work - Battery Acid Heroin and Double Murder

Fred Rosen

Gang Mom - The Evil Mother Whose Gang Secretly Preyed on a City

Gang Mom - The Evil Mother Whose Gang Secretly Preyed on a City

Fred Rosen

Deacon of Death - Sam Smithers the Serial Killer Next Door

Deacon of Death - Sam Smithers the Serial Killer Next Door

Fred Rosen

Body Dump - Kendall Francois the Poughkeepsie Serial Killer

Body Dump - Kendall Francois the Poughkeepsie Serial Killer

Fred Rosen

The Mad Chopper - How the Justice System Let a Mutilator Free This Time to Kill

The Mad Chopper - How the Justice System Let a Mutilator Free This Time to Kill

Fred Rosen

Lobster Boy - The Bizarre Life and Brutal Death of Grady Stiles Jr

Lobster Boy - The Bizarre Life and Brutal Death of Grady Stiles Jr

Fred Rosen

Blood Crimes - The Pennsylvania Skinhead Murders

Blood Crimes - The Pennsylvania Skinhead Murders

Fred Rosen

When Satan Wore A Cross - The Shocking True Story of a Killer Priest

When Satan Wore A Cross - The Shocking True Story of a Killer Priest

Fred Rosen