The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - A Journey of Genius Innovation and Self-Made Success
Benjamin Franklin, Zenith Blue Ridge Books
We Are What We Read - A Life Within and Without Books
Vybarr Cregan-Reid
An Idle Woman - based on one of the most sensational divorce trials of the nineteenth century
Wendy Parkins
The Magic of Normal - Hope Love and Beyond
Maky Zanganeh
The Through Line - Finding Happiness through the Curveballs of Life Family and Business
Sara Fay Egan
The Odd Woman and the City - A Memoir
Vivian Gornick
Embarrassed - Living with a faith that makes no sense to my friends
Graham Turner
People First - The Third Federal Way
Marc A. Stefanski
The Audacity to Wonder - A Journey of Persistence Resilience Gratitude and Love
Mary Ann Cloyd
Totally - Recent stories of youth joy and sanctity
Enrique Muñiz
Scotland Today and Yesterday - Witness to a Changing Nation
John MacKay
The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch - The Watchers Nephilim Fallen Angels and the End of the World
Harold Roth
Bleeding Fabulous - the life of a haemosexual
Mark Ward
Oxford Brookes A Sporting Miracle - From a cowshed on the Thames to the top of the rowing world
Peter Smith
Get Carman - In court with George Carman QC Britain's most feared lawyer – The man behind the advocate
Karen Phillipps
David Bowie - The Collector
Nick Smart
Outsider - The chronicles of a royal correspondent
Roger Lundgren
The King - The Story of Börje Salming
Börje Salming, Ola Liljedahl
Finding Ruby - The Bright and Dark Sides of a Family's Fervent Idealism
Richard Rothman
Ayam Buah Keluak and the Art of Writing: a memoir on living creatively
Josephine Chia
Stay at Risk and Live Forever - Lessons from a Life of Curiosity Grit and Reinvention
Byron Wien, Taylor Becker
That's Life So It Is - A candid raw memoir of TV National Treasure
Charlie Lawson
Under the Rainbow - Inside John Bruton's Coalition Government
Shane Kenny
Lady Glenconner's Picnic Papers
Glenconner Anne
The Search - The life of a mountain rescue search dog team
Paul Besley
The Last Sea Dog - 6 solo circumnavigations resulting in 5 podiums & 1 world record
Jean-Luc Van Den Heede
Cage Eleven - Prison Writings from Long Kesh
Gerry Adams
Her Irish Heritage
Annie M. P. Smithson
Story of a Communist - A Memoir
Antonio Negri