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Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations
Lada Ray
Publisher: Lada Ray
New revolutionary tool for in-depth understanding of our world, from the creator of FuturisTrendcast, Earth Shift System and Quantum Calibrations! Nearly 1000 unique calibrations, peer group comparisons, and acclaimed Lada Ray Predictions! Encompassing: 94 countries & territories; 10 global organizations; 7 leading business/corporate worlds; leaders, armies, economies, finances, solvency and sovereignty! Plus: one-of-a-kind index of the world's most powerful people, and created especially for this book new Power Scale: 4 superpowers, 11 great & regional powers! What makes this book stand out is Lada Ray's trademark fusion of geopolitical analysis, economics, predictions and higher-consciousness knowledge. Some may believe these things separate and non-combine-able. However, as proven by Lada's work, the compartmentalized mentality practiced by mankind today is the result of fractured 3D consciousness, when one side of our nature fights with another, when yin and yang are in conflict. As a result, those who feel comfortable in 'real' world don't understand or deny the unseen and higher-dimensional, while those who consider themselves spiritual shy away from the everyday. In reality, both practical and spiritual us are ONE. In our era it becomes paramount to understand our world in its totality, to heal past karma and to move forward. Helping humanity accomplish both is the reason for this book. A seamless blend of practical knowledge, cold reason, warm, compassionate heart and higher-consciousness spirituality is THE FUTURE and reading this will help you get there! Lada Ray's New Quantum Calibration System is based on the ground-breaking Calibrations of Human Consciousness introduced by David Hawkins, Ph.D., in his book, Power vs. Force. Between 2002-2018 Lada developed her own advanced Quantum and Geo Calibrations. This breakthrough system goes well beyond the original, introducing a more targeted, refined and high-consciousness result. The system has for years been successfully applied in her writings, webinars and private consultations, with vast majority of Lada Ray's clients remaining her return clients for life. Years of development and application confirm that Quantum and Geo Calibration System is the most efficient, all-encompassing and profound tool for revealing the fundamental energetic, structural and spiritual truth about our world, currently in existence. The truths that have been hidden will come to light. Where there previously was confusion and chaos, the realization, clarity and structure will emerge. A new, deeper and higher understanding will take place, allowing us to see forward and to act in the best and most beneficial way. The smart politicians, economists, companies and governments can apply Quantum Calibrations productively on global, regional and local levels. Individuals can use this book to compare countries, leaders, economies, armies, and to make decisions on relocation. The book has promising practical and academic applications for researchers, scholars and ordinary citizens alike. Use it to project into the future and plan your next steps on the journey through our fast-shifting world. The GREAT EARTH SHIFT is manifesting in all areas of life, from nature and environment to social, geopolitical, financial and economic changes. Our mentality and consciousness are changing rapidly. Through the new technological revolution we are transitioning to a new society and dimension of being, in Lada's classification: the lower-4D. If you have been confused, scared or curious of all the changes, Lada Ray theories and practices will help you acquire the much needed clarity, understanding and peace of mind.